Don Paskowski


Don Paskowski
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Reading Lost Boy Lost Girl

Life & Events > I'm Here, Safe and Sound

I'm Here, Safe and Sound

I made it to Janet Land easy as pie. Easiest drive ever. I love GPS. I’m getting a tom tom. It is impossible to grt lost with GPS.

Enough of the virtues of tom tom.

I made it to St Albanns VT this past Thursday at about 530 pm. The ride took 4 plus hours through mostly plush weather but high in the VT mountains there was a bit of slushy snow and rain.

I checked in to the room then checked in with mom and janetk.
Then I had a dinner of:

A slim jim
A 6 oz bag of turkey pepperoni wheat thins
And pepsi…ah the supper of travelers and then I laid down and watched some of the Celts and Mavs game, and fell asleep about 830 pm.

Yesterday, I left Vermont at about 11am. When I reached the boarder with Quebec about 15 minutes later, I felt like a criminal.

Border Guard: What is your business in Canada?
Me: I’m visiting friends in Janet Land.
Border Guard: Where will you be travelling while in Janet Land?
Me: I’ll just be staying in Janet Land with my friends.
Border Guard (Scrutinizing passport): When where you last in Canada?
Me: January 18 to the 21st visiting friends in Janet Land.
Border Guard: How long are you staying?
Me: I’ll be coming back through here Tuesday the 25th.
Border Guard: Any tabacco or alcohol in the car.
Me: No. Just snacks to eat and drink along the way.

The border Guard did not look at me once. He is a Quebecois and he did not like me on principal. I kept thinking he would detain me just for spite.
Bad stereotype I know, but I was very relieved when he let me move on.

Blinding sun yesterday. (today too.) Wind was high and icy, It wanted to saw right through my bones. The gusts blew my car around the road, literally. It was a chore keeping the car straight.

I only made one snafu the whole trip. Going through Big City, I was in a zone, cruising like a bastard in the far left lane so that when the GPS told me to keep right, I thought my left was my right and took a wrong exit, but the GPS had me headed back in the right direction within 5 minutes! I love that fuckin thing!

So I made it to Janet land at 415pm yesterday. Janetk, Rock and the kids greeted me warmly. Great night of Pizza, tonic, laughter, and I watched “The Witches” with the Girls.

The kids are a natural with me and I am a natural with them.

Today, I’ve fed Michael several times, changed him once, Dyed easter eggs with the girls, watched “Babe” with the Girls, played “potato” with the girls, Made Grilled cheese and pickles for the girls and talked and laughed with janetk.

Tomorrow is easter and dinner with all the K’s and I am helping hide easter eggs.
Man, this is great stuff…

Time to wrap this update from Janet land. Have a great Easter, All!

Best, Don the Long Distance Driver.

posted on Mar 22, 2008 2:08 PM ()


I was in the living room when you wrote weird is that?
comment by janetk on Mar 27, 2008 6:20 AM ()
Sounds like such a fantastic trip! Hope you made it back home safe n' sound too.
comment by mellowdee on Mar 26, 2008 7:41 PM ()
I am so glad that things are going well. I know how much you guys were looking forward to this.
comment by lunarhunk on Mar 25, 2008 12:19 PM ()
reading this just gave me such a warm feeling! wow!
comment by elkhound on Mar 22, 2008 5:02 PM ()
Not sure what/who you love more, GPS or Janet? Should Janet be jealous?

comment by anacoana on Mar 22, 2008 3:36 PM ()
it sounds wonderful. enjoy!
comment by pecan on Mar 22, 2008 2:27 PM ()
Glad that you made it safe and sound..I will thinking about yall all day...have fun *hugs* Give Janet and the kids a hug from me..*grins*
comment by elfie33 on Mar 22, 2008 2:19 PM ()

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