Business owner sees no problem with taxing rich
Here in Nevada, Jack the Plumber has a message for Joe the Plumber: What's wrong with taxes?
"I personally would like to make a sign that says, 'I am Jack the Plumber, and I'll be more than delighted to pay a little bit more if I make more than $250,000 a year,'" said Jack Ramjeeawon, 61, who owns Jack Dish Plumbing in Henderson with his two adult sons.
"It's very important to us to give back to the community that has given to us," said Ramjeeawon, who said the business makes just under the $250,000 income threshold above which Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama admits he will raise people's taxes.
"I don't need a quarter million to live a whole year," he said. "Many people are living on minimum wage and struggling to put food on the table. If I make a quarter million, why should I not give a little more to the society that is supporting me?"