Well, here I am, just now got my DSL connection working in Colorado. The phone company finally figured out it was on their end after considerable clicking around on my part opening windows and confirming "Properties" including me doing a ping at the DOS prompt.
I assume this was caused by taking the service off of vacation hold. And compared to the 26 mbps dialup I was using all day, my connection now is lightning quick.
My heart was in mouth for a bit there because I was afraid that in my attempts to configure the computer and router on my end I had somehow made an irrevocable change, but fortunately I was able to set it back.
I am simply amazed at the excellent customer service I am getting from my local phone company, Qwest. Their call center for business purposes is in Minnesota, so none of that India/Asia communications gap, and then a guy called me from there to confirm something, and today a woman in my nearby town called to confirm and I was able to talk to her about my DSL problems. I told her I don't want to say it, but I'm surprised at their excellent customer service. And the DSL tech support person got my connection working tonight, so it's all good.
Another thing, last winter my phone bill was $20 a month on vacation hold (down from the $40 a month when not on vacation) but this winter it was only $9.00 a month, so I feel I could afford to put land lines in my two guest cabins. I wouldn't mind the $40 a month for the 5 months of tourist season if it is truly only $9 for the rest of the year. The reason for the $20 was they didn't cancel my 'services' - Caller ID, Voice Mail, and line protection for that first winter. Now I know what to tell them when I call to go on vacation hold this coming fall.
I dunno, it's not fashionable to be pleased with the phone company, but I really am.