Well we just finished our primary here and gave Obama (58%) a big win over Hillary (41%). I pretty much have had my fill. I have to say that this is the first time ever my wife and I voted for different candidates. After the win of course Obama spoke in front of about 20,000 people in Houston, while Hilary spoke in front of her little group in Ohio. She didn't congratulate Obama and didn't thank our State which is customary. Wisconsin is only about 3 percent black too.

One thing I seemed to have learned from these candidates buzzing around our air waves and State. Hillary seems to talk about her always, I will, I did, I'm ready day one, I have 35 years experience...etc It seemed to be all about her, and to top it all, she came across like a Mitt Romney. It's really turning people off. When Obama spoke in front of 18,000 in Madison I noticed he spoke in terms of we need to and us, more of a simple fact that everyone needs to get involved. Now that they all blew town, my impression is Hillary is done. Me, me, me, is all that rang from her rhetoric. It's starting to look like "Mitt II" a prescription for failure.

I wrote a blog quite a while back supporting Hillary and the chance of our first Woman President. But now, she just bugs me as she seems to be drifting into the "Rove" factor. Desperate people, do desperate things and if she decides to dive into the mud head first, it'll all be over March 4th.
I'm starting to understand why Obama is drawing big crowds.
We here were impressed with his visit and he looks unstoppable from here on out.