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The Path

Politics & Legal > Truly Phenomenal 8 Years - May 7, 1999

Truly Phenomenal 8 Years - May 7, 1999

May 7, 1999 - New York Times EXCERPT:

NEW YORK: The Federal Reserve Board chairman, Alan Greenspan, although praising the U.S. economy for its "truly phenomenal" eight years of rising output and stable prices, warned Thursday that "imbalances" could end its record of growth.

Speaking at a Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago conference, Mr. Greenspan also said America would eventually run out of workers, despite impressive technological advances that have allowed companies to rapidly increase their output of goods and services.

"There are imbalances in our expansion that unless redressed will bring this long run of strong growth and low inflation to a close," he said.

A "critical" risk is what he called "worker depletion." Looking beyond the unemployment rate, currently at 4.2 percent, Mr. Greenspan said that the number of potential workers was as low as it has been since records were first kept.

Ah, let me think, are we better today then 8 years ago? At peace and our budget in the black...a surplus? And wages on the rise?

And now it's markets in turmoil...bankrupt...the big three looking for 25 billion dollars to stay afloat against superior competition...and a record looming $480 billion dollar deficit. Two wars costing more then $150 billion yearly...and so much more...

posted on Sept 22, 2008 8:43 PM ()


And what is even more worrying is that even if Obama wins, he will have a rough time getting things straightened out.
comment by elderjane on Sept 23, 2008 2:39 PM ()
jonjude has a point there.
comment by fredo on Sept 23, 2008 10:31 AM ()
It may be too late to stop the current unraveling. And if they get another four years in the White House, it's pretty much over. They have sold our country to China and our other creditors, our jobs to India, and our soul to Wall Street.
comment by jondude on Sept 23, 2008 7:08 AM ()
I wonder when we will become foreigners in a USA with another name? The gov. and wallstreet have sold our nation.
comment by angiedw on Sept 23, 2008 2:29 AM ()
Enough already!!!
comment by marta on Sept 22, 2008 11:15 PM ()
You know Europe stopped buying our debt over a year ago. It's just a matter of time before Japan & China stop too and then what? But, hey, the fundamentals of our economy are still strong right!?
comment by hawkwoman on Sept 22, 2008 8:56 PM ()

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