Big Tow
A Christmas Gift
Republic and Bank of America- That's All Folks
The Gathering Storm
The Big Three Bail Out
I Have a Question Eddie
So This is Christmas
My Favorite Christmas Movie & Song
Cia: Continued Un Intelligent Design
The God Who Wasn't There
Who Was Right?
Bush: Shaking All Over
Palin: Pardon the Turkeys
For Some MyBloggers Folks
Twilight: the Movie
Mystery Shopping - Beware
New Blogster
Obama: Pick One of These Dogs
For Sunshine
Ohio Town Devasted by Dhl Layoffs
Something Fishy
Before Rove: the Boogie Man
The Gas Man - Three Stooges Movie
President Barack Obama - Oct. 19, 2006
Obama Elected President
2008 Election Campaign in 60 Seconds
Polls: Obama up 13% & 11% on Mccain
Palin Takes Prank Call from Fake French President
The American Conservative: for Obama
The We Generation
The Obama - Mccain Dance Off
The Mccain Campaign and the Hoax
Christian Right Intensifies Attacks on Obama
Battle Ground States: a Virtual Earthquake for Mcc
Bush Returns to Snl with Palin
Obama : 54% to 43% over Mccain
Conservative Republicans for Change
Mccain Gambles Rove's Way, Making Vile Bet
Interesting Old Duets
Mccain? Problems with the Truth
Colin Powell Endorses Obama
Those Anti-americans
Obama: 100,000 Strong
Joe the Plumber ...
The Debate
Obama Surges: up 14% on Mccain
Is it Over?
Boos and the Hockey Puck
Bush? a Good Thing He's in Charge?
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