I was chuckling about the guys laughing at Peter Schiff when he was predicting the current house market back in 06. I'd like to say who's laughing now, but the sad thing is, no one is laughing.
Well, clearly Peter Schiff was right. Wonder how the others are feeling now. But, that doesn't really worry me. What I'm wondering is why you haven't posted for 3 days? Usually you have a post daily... sometimes more... Oh, yes! Thanksgiving...
Have to cast my vote with Schiff. Nena
Well,everyone has their stories.Who do you believe?Will just have to wait and see what happen.At this time we cannot do anything. People get upset over this.Just wait and see what happen. If it does,then jump out of the window
yark, can't watch the vid at work, so I'll have to wait until later
that was too long for me to watch but I do not want any recession. I want to be able to MOVE!
Arthur Laffer is nearly always wrong. His advice is so 80's. Schiff is nearly always correct.
The Economist magazine was saying something similar about the same time. AJ