Battle Ground States: a Virtual Earthquake for Mcc
posted on Oct 24, 2008 12:34 PM ()
I am so happy to see this! AJ
I don't think I am denial.... I know this is a hard fought race and there is a good possibility that McCain could loose. I'm not happy about it, but not in denial. Actually, I really don't care about McCain... I just don't like Obama. My candidate bottomed out a long time ago.
You still have my vote buggs
53-41? I heard today we are almost up to 55 here. (Ohio) The auto industry is just about shut down, and it is one of Ohio's largest. More cars and trucks are built here than in Michigan. That is one reason the Repubs are waning here. Also, former Gov. Bob Taft's administration was corrupt and got booted two years ago. Many Republicans lost then and more are on their way out this year. Coat tail effect.
any poll that doesn't register my swelling grass roots support is bound to be suspect.
reguards yer obviously the polsters didn't call anyone in MyBloggerstown pal bugg
If the poll is accurate.... Obama definitely could win these race. I see it was done by the University of Wisconsin. I just happened to think about a local issue in California and a poll that was done by my former alma mater, University of California Stanislaus. The students were to do the random calling. Well.... seemed they were busy with finals and term papers, so most of them didn't make any calls. They just made up the results and turned them in to the professor who published them. Bad move!!!! Someone bragged about it and then it got back to the school and the prof. was reprimanded and the students got expelled. What a local scandal. But... I'm sure the above poll is all very scientific and above board.