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Politics & Legal > Iran : the Petraeus Report

Iran : the Petraeus Report

Get ready for the new and improved Petraeus Report America, this one will have a bit of a new spin on it. We really can’t talk about the success of the Surge because there really hasn’t been much? Sure we’ve seen violence go down, but with increased troops on every corner like a police state the murder rate would go down in Philadelphia? Have there been any political solutions? Do we have electricity or clean water to the pre-invasion levels that are simple basic needs? Are we about to see the collapse of the Sunni alliance with America and a return to the turmoil between the minority and the Shiites? Has by chance that some community violence gone down because of ethnic cleansing? And, where is all that oil to pay for this war. The real truth is that Iraq may be entering a precarious stage and the only way to hide the truth is to bring Iran back into the debate.

And so once again, we see the diversion coming our way. After all John McCain just said today the war on terrorism is in Iraq? Where did that come from? Well the collaborators are already in motion to once again ratchet up the rhetoric on Iran. It’s those folks in Iraq Al Qaeda who have been behind all of the recent violence. The clear strategy has been to target any and all violence to Al Qaeda. But wait, Al Qaeda is Sunni, how can they tie this all up with Iran? We know Saudi Arabia has been funding the Sunni…and? I guess Iran has to be funding the Shiite? This is going to be the most interesting aspect of the new and improved Petraeus Report.

posted on Mar 24, 2008 7:40 PM ()


The thought of another gung-ho for-war just scares me
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 25, 2008 12:46 PM ()
Meanwhile, we've now lost over 4,000 boys in Bush's boondoggle. Congress will impeach a president for having sex with an intern but will do nothing about a lying incompetent who got us into an unending war. Incredible!!!
comment by looserobes on Mar 25, 2008 11:21 AM ()
We are in a quagmire...we need new leadership badly. By the way, I was complementing your writing style in your blog about the hopelessness of America....not enjoying the hopelessness. I hope that clarifys and makes sense.
comment by elderjane on Mar 25, 2008 6:23 AM ()
Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan...whats the difference. That is the message these republicans seem to be sending. The "bad guys" are all the same, they are all the "brown people" over there and they like to play on the fact that most people can't (or won't) study up to tell the difference. Drop a few "key words"..Al Quaeda, Islamofascism, whatever and spook their base or the uneducated masses and presto! instant votes, regardless of the facts on the ground...
comment by ekyprogressive on Mar 25, 2008 1:13 AM ()
"New and improved" from the government???? Something similar to "we only want to help you!"
comment by oldfatguy on Mar 24, 2008 8:11 PM ()
"new and improved" those words never live up to their expectations.
comment by pecan on Mar 24, 2008 8:05 PM ()

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