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The Path

Politics & Legal > A New Hopelessness

A New Hopelessness

Okay, you knew it was going to happen but I figured they would wait until Obama possibly got the nomination. But Hillary and the steam rolling Clinton machine got to him first as she decided to unleash the kitchen sink strategy. She thought it was her and the gall of Barrack Obama to get in her way was frankly appalling. She’s like the energizing bunny lately; she keeps on running and running her Rove tactics. She wants to go to Washington like an old junkyard dog and tear all of those right wing conservatives to shreds.

So now we move on to Barrack’s minister who just happens to be black and has said some things that of course in context, that the hit machine is ramming his words down Obama’s throat that is everything he said. The contextual use of some of his speeches are twisted and turned to solicit the worst possible portrayal of him. Welcome to America, the place of hopelessness. The two minute sound bite mastered by Bush and his minions that basically has nothing to do with truth and more to do with throwing crap against the wall until its sticks or like he said “repeating it over and over” until enough people in the lemming state of mind, start believing it.

So is John McCain a traitor for signing those documents while a prisoner in Vietnam condemning America as a war criminal and calling on an immediate withdrawal? Hell yes I guess because according to this administration, torture works. But, in context, that’s what McCain said about America. And how about all of those Catholics who at the core of their religion stand on the “One Church” theory that says if your not a Catholic, you’re going to hell. You must be, because you follow the Catholic Religion.

There’s a great divide in this country and it appears that the divide and conquer rules. It’s a sad state of affairs when we no longer have any hope the greatest virtue of them all, when our primary focus is to destroy. I think Eckhart Tolle was correct to assert that we as a species must evolve or die. The egoic mind rules the day.

We enter the 21st. century with endless wars around the world and haven’t grasped the simple fact that to kill another human being is simply wrong. The ultimate prize in film was won by “No Country for Old Men” a statement of ultimate violence that reflects a sick culture bent on being scared. America has forgotten that the world is not about the “I”or the “Me”…but about us with a real hope for some sane future for the survival of this planet.

So the deconstruction has begun for Barack Obama. Hillary has sunk into the density of her egocentricity to win at all costs only to lose. The rest of the Rove crowd can just wait around and finish off the scraps. As for America, Rome will continue to burn as we search once again to look for our next victim. It is all we know right now is hopelessness.

posted on Mar 19, 2008 8:07 PM ()


Righteous post...incredible comments. Yes, "Rome" is burning, and we're all playing the role of Nero.
comment by looserobes on Mar 27, 2008 7:56 AM ()
This was an absolutely wonderful post. I don't think you are a pessimist, just a realist. O'Bama is our brightest hope for a way out of this mess.
We need to realize that O'Bama is not responsible for what his pastor says.Each person is responsible for himself and his own remarks.
comment by elderjane on Mar 22, 2008 3:29 AM ()
Very good post and comments too, strider. I love it when you rattle nobullthinker aka think141
comment by jthoneydew on Mar 22, 2008 1:26 AM ()
America needs an underdog to cheer for, a real champion that all can rally behind. There is one out there somewhere.....wait and see.
comment by pecan on Mar 21, 2008 9:47 PM ()
finally he brought the Axe
comment by mustakim on Mar 21, 2008 3:54 AM ()
What do I do now?Maybe take the money and run.
comment by fredo on Mar 20, 2008 9:51 AM ()
No offense, please, but I'm sadly familiar with this sort of Leftist doom and gloom depression. Just this week I had one such mope say to me, "How could anyone think of bringing a child into this disgusting world?" I told her that I had dealt with that question way back in the 60's and had gotten over it. Your problem is that your focus is too narrow. You make the same simplistic arguments as men like the Rev. Wright, saying America's "primary purpose is to destroy". That's worse than just plain stupid, its insane. Human beings are being slaughtered all over the planet by everyone but Americans. The only people America kills are those who will not refrain from murdering innocents. That's the reality and if you make an effort to see that side of it instead of the negative gibberish you're consumed with your attitude might lighten up.
comment by think141 on Mar 20, 2008 9:47 AM ()
Well written, strider.
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 20, 2008 9:41 AM ()
comment by greeneyedgemini on Mar 20, 2008 8:17 AM ()
Very good post. I think that the I, Me philosophy began in the 60's in rebellion against the rigid morality of the 50's. We see it every where in our society. Until we begin again to practice the dictum of the Three Musketeers--All for One and One for All--and believe wholeheartedly that we are not islands but a part of the main, I see no change coming.
comment by angiedw on Mar 20, 2008 2:29 AM ()

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