As many of you may know, Spike suffers from Separation Anxiety. Things have been tough with me changing jobs and trying to adjust him to the new schedule and up until yesterday he was doing very good. I came home from the 7th circle of hell and walked Spike. I was so ready to enjoy the evening with Kristyln. However, it was not meant to be...
I walked into the bathroom after dinner was nearly ready and guess what I discovered. Spike had eaten a razor. I am not kidding you. He ate the blades of the razor. I called the vet and we headed over there. They took an x ray and determined that the best course of action would be to induce vomit. So they gave him medicine and he would not vomit. Apparently, he's a shy puker. So I took him outside for ten minutes and he still wouldn't go. I kept saying throw up already. The vet was convinced that it would come out and not cause trauma, so that was good in my mind. So we decided to take him home so he could puke in peace.
Not even 5 minutes after we left, did he upchuck the bulk contents of his stomach. And in it was the razor. Thankfully. This morning we've been having some residual throwing up but we seem to be doing better. I can't exercise him because of GDV or bloat. So I need to just play it safe till his digestive system returns to normal. I may take him hiking later if he seems to be antsy. He's sleeping peacefully, which I did not do because of all the drama that has gone on...
I hope you're all doing better than mio. I am going to try to take a nap.
Happy Saturday. SB