My trip to Nashville was a smashing success. I managed to get out and see what I could while in the great town. The first day we got there we got to see a show for the Grand Ol Opry. That was interesting. Most of the performers should be residents in my senior living communities. Overall I guess that I can say that I have been there and done that.
Wednesday morning I woke up and did some shopping for my mom. Then I was going to head into town. I discovered that it cost $15 to go into town and decided to wait till I had the whole day to go there, which would be on Thursday. I went to the outdoor pool to sit by it. It was not open because it was only 70 or so there while we were there. There were pool boys working on it with their shirts off so that was nice scenery. The evening there was a speaker and dinner for the conference. It was an interesting presentation, and I enjoyed it. I made two married dude friends at dinner. One my mother was convinced was gay, and the other was an Irish guy. After dinner we headed to the Irish pub and had some drinks. I told my mom at the end of the drinks that I thought the Irish Guy had the hots for me. She was not convinced...
Thursday was a go into Nashville Day. I headed to town, got a BBQ sandwhich at Jack's. That was delicious! Then I walked around, took some photos and did some shopping. I headed back to the room, because I wasn't feeling so hot and wanted to lay down. FYI Napping is not possible when you're with your mother. At least not with mine! Then we had an event on Thursday evening in town. My mother was determined to be the first one on the bus. Then the bus got a call that said to delay getting there till 630 so then my mother had to reinforce that she didn't want to tour and wanted to get there as soon as possible. There was a lot of frustration on getting food and drinks at this place but once I had both I was happy. It was at the Cadillac Ranch that my dream was realized. I got to ride a mechanical bull, not once, but twice. Guess what? I have the bruises to prove it.
Friday was a long day, didn't get home till midnight and then I couldn't sleep because I was keyed up!
Saturday I did errands, like get my hair done, I am now a full fledged blondie!!!!! Then I went to a party with my old roommate R. This party was odd. It was at a dude's house that she used to date. The bartender was enamoured with her. he was faking an irish accent. I was not impressed with him or the dude she used to date. A 40 year old Major was hitting on me and tried to kiss me. He looked like he was about 50 though. It was an odd night. I wound up driving home R because she was trashed.
Sunday was the first of the many bridal shower mania... I am not feeling so hot so I went to bed early. It was hard coming into work today... I do have a final interview next week with the non profit. Think really good thoughts for me!