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I Have Kissed A Lot Of Frogs...

Life & Events > The Move Recap ...

The Move Recap ...

So I have finally moved. I moved from point a to point b on Wednesday. That was the big move day. I spent Wed, Thur & Friday getting settled and getting out of the old place.

Wed the movers showed up on-time, which was fantastico. They were super nice guys who moved my crap from one apt to another for 200 bucks. Not too shabby. So I went back to the old place and loaded as much crap as I could the odds and ends into the car. I cleaned my bedroom and patched some more holes. It was strange, I sat on the floor and ate a gourmet meal of mcdonalds and thought that we were happy there, but that this change was welcome and exciting.

Thursday was cleaning cleaning cleaning day! The new beds arrived. They have to be the best purchase ever.

I am going to finish this when I get home!!!! Also the internet was supposed to be installed but guess what Verizon decided to not call and or show up. I finished cleaning mostly except for the oven and fridge and a good vaccum.

Friday Morning I woke up and headed over to the old place to do what I could not do the night before. After 8 hours + or - of total cleaning over a three day period, I was ready to turn in my keys. I walked in and turned in the keys and the leasing office even made an AWW sound. I had good times at the old place but it is where we used to be. (From BNL The old apartment). Friday night I went back to to my place unpacked some more and ran out to the video store. I had a movie night, and a glass of wine and some hot apple pie to break in the new pad.

Saturday was my day of rest. I woke up not feeling so hot but I persevered. I took a shower and tried in vain to call Verizon. Three hours of being on hold resulted in me getting extremely frustrated. At the end of it I went upstairs from the business center of my apt to my apt to figure stuff out. I wound up calling Cox and said that if they could come the next day that I would sign up right then. They could so I signed up! HAHA. Saturday night I went out to meet up with my friend L who was in town from TX. I hadn't seen her for about a year so I wanted to make sure that I got to see her when she was here. We had a few drinks and I came home.

Sunday I had visitors! Best guy friend A and good friend M came by to see the pad. A entertained me while the cable guy was there and tormented spike througholy. At the end of his stay, Spike was attempting to hump his leg profusely. To quote him... He said to spike, hey dude "it's your last chance to hump me before I go." Then M came by and took a tour of the neighborhood. She bought me a bottle of wine at the local wine shop and said to the guy in there that she wanted to bring something nice for me over. His response... "bring me" and M said "she might like you, actually, haha." So now I guess we're going to go to a wine tasting at this joint. Can't wait. HAHA. Should be fun.

That was my lovely week! I hope you're all doing well! Toodloo for now.


posted on Nov 24, 2008 2:24 PM ()


I like the update... YAY! I can't wait to see it... maybe next week!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 25, 2008 1:56 PM ()
Cool, new bed, new place, and new memories to be made! Enjoy!
comment by sexysadie on Nov 25, 2008 5:57 AM ()
So excited for ya
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 24, 2008 2:27 PM ()
I can't wait to see it... YAY NEW PLACE!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 24, 2008 2:26 PM ()

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