It feels like we're living a slow motion movie, pin drops of silence you leave me feeling lonely again. I am lonely again -Schuyler Fisk "Lonely Again."
This quote exactly describes the feeling I get every year on V-day. It is not fun to be in a relationship that isn't work that isn't fulfilling whether its lacking emotion or chemistry if that missing piece is not there it is better to be alone. I fear that the more of these commercial hallmark holidays alone, the more that I will be so opposed to being with someone. I know I am picky when it comes to dating but I feel that I have earned the right not to settle.
V-day is the perfect example of America's Judeo Christian ethic. Your supposed to grow up and your supposed to fall in love and get married and have 2.2 kids. Then you grow old, they kids move out. You may or may not stay together. Everywhere you go on Vday you will see people pretending or actually in "love." It's god damn depressing for us single folk. I know that Sadie has my back on the whole being alone for so many god damn years on V-day but I would venture a guess to say that it's very difficult to comprehend if you've had a multitude of serious relationships where you've spent the bulk of your adult life with someone on Vday.
While I did have the option to go out with someone TONIGHT and not on actual Vday, I chose not to. Why because I have no feelings for them in a romantic way and that would not be solving the problem. I find that there are some days that I am lonely even when I am with a room full of people.
I dunno I am PMSING really bad. It's not fun. I can highly tell you this.