Today has been a challenging day. I was going to work from home this afternoon. However, that plan was quickly foiled by a little thing that we'll call a credit application. I cannot explain why this took a long time, chalk it up to office space political games.
I have spent time in the purchasing, legal and development departments. I am trying to get a credit application signed so that I can run an ad in a well known or maybe not so well known publication called The Naples Daily News. One of my properties regularly advertises there and because my company has been in the news for various and sundry purposes they are requiring a signature from an officer of the corporation. Stay with me people, because this is where it gets really interesting. I work for a management company and the ventures are called a bunch of different things. So it's currently sitting on the VP of this venture's desk and I am awaiting a phone call so that my happy little hands can retrieve it.
After the retrieval of this contract, I must go fax it to the publication and they may or may not let me run in their publication. Does this bother me? Of course it does. I don't however have any control over this. Not too happy about this one... let me tell you.
Happy Trails Peeps.