That day would be today... I was driving up the Aunt's house because my cousin's fiancee told me he could get my car fixed for less than what the dealer quoted me. The dealer told me they didn't even have to look at my car that it was a hydraulic system that if one piece was gone, the whole thing was done. It would be a minimum of $1600 - $1800 to repair via the "stealer."
So that's when I started to seek alternative options to getting the car fixed. I did accept that my clutch was gone. I just didn't accept 1600 that I didn't have, so when my cousin's fiancee D called me back and said $600 bucks. I said sign me up.
I talked to my mother to get her opinion on all this. I phoned my aunt and asked her about borrowing a car, etc. Their cars are all otherwise occupied so they couldn't lend me one. So I went to head up to my Aunt's house and the car died. It simply could not move anymore and it was a tragedy. I had the foresight to realize that the ship was not going to move anymore... and pulled over.
I called my family and they didn't answer the phone, so I left them a message that said: My car died, I am on the 270 waiting to get it towed. Call me back. I phoned my cousin and her fiancee to find out the address of the place that I was going to get the car fixed at. I seriously felt like I was going to pull my eye out trying to get this information out of him. He knew how to get there but didn't know the address. So I got the phone number and had my aunt look up the address on the computer, and this was another frustrating experience. She doesn't do google searches in the manner that I do. She was also not convinced that the location was in the part of town that the phone number said it was. I said you know what, let me go call this place and get their address and get the tow truck out here.
So I got the address, the tow truck came. Navy D came to rescue me from the side of the road. I had Spike with me, and surprizingly enough I didn't weep until he dropped me off. I don't know why I am so emotional but I kind of laid some crap out on the table. I was like you are emailng me more than you have ever while we were dating. I am the first person you want to call when something good or bad happens and vice versa. Do you think that means we're friends? yes, and it probably means more...
I am pretty emotional tonight and I am not a fan. Hope your day was much more Funday than mine was.