CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > Relationships > Fashion Week & Si Swimsuit Edition

Fashion Week & Si Swimsuit Edition

It's Fashion Week again and time for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, which gives guys a chance to look at porn while telling their wives it's JUST Sports Illustrated.

For the women, remember this hilarious video from last year?  Wonder if this model will be walking....err....stumbling the runway again this year???

And for the guys, some shots from the SI Swimsuit Edition. Never let it be said that I am not fair!
Speaking of tall, the prerequisite for models, remember about a year ago I said that Big Sis had got a little pudgy around the middle?  Well, that's a thing of the past!  In one year, the kid's foot went from a size 7 to a size 11 and she is just shooting up.  I now have to look up to her when I talk. 
She's getting the biggest kick out of being taller than I....which isn't saying a whole lot....but she is now closing in on her mother, who is 5'7".    Since Holly only wears a size 71/2 shoe, I'm wondering JUST HOW TALL this child is going to get!  
I look at her and I no longer see a llittle girl.  She is rapidly becoming a stunning teenager.  I bemoan the loss of my baby granddaughter.
I can't see her Republican dad ever letting her model, though. He's WAY too conservative. Of course, Mom rules in their household.

He recently announced that Bailey would NOT be getting a car when she turned 16 whereupon Holly quietly but firmly informed him that she would indeed be getting a car on her 16th birthday just as she and Kenna did.

Thank goodness I still have my Little Buddy, who made me the sweetest Valentine.  It said:
"Love is spending the night at your house."  Now, that will melt your heart....or at least MY heart.

posted on Feb 15, 2011 12:51 PM ()


Happy Birthday Joan Hope you have had a really fabulous day

comment by augusta on Feb 15, 2011 4:49 PM ()
It's the reason it's so easy for me to remember Tracy's birthday, since our birthdays are just one day apart. Of course, hers falling on Valentine's Day makes it hard to forget too. LOL.

Thank you for the birthday wish.
reply by redimpala on Feb 15, 2011 7:23 PM ()
Today is your birthday and how about that.
Happy Birthday CJ.Not interested in the swimsuit model there.
If they were speedo,well we have something to talk about.
I hope that you bday end on a good note and not F#sharp.
comment by fredo on Feb 15, 2011 2:12 PM ()
Ah, thank you. So far my birthday has been awesome.
reply by redimpala on Feb 15, 2011 3:37 PM ()
You are better than any SI bathing suit model!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 15, 2011 2:02 PM ()
Martin, you are a guy after my heart!
reply by redimpala on Feb 15, 2011 3:38 PM ()
I know just what you mean. My little great nieces and nephews are growing, growing, growing! Ahhh, time flies and my love flies with them. You are so lucky to be near them. At most I see them once a year.
comment by marta on Feb 15, 2011 12:58 PM ()
Even being close to them, I can see them growing so rapidly.
reply by redimpala on Feb 15, 2011 1:07 PM ()

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