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Just My Musings...

Education > Can People Change?

Can People Change?

I had an interesting discussion with one of my 5th graders yesterday. He's way too mature for an 11-year old...lousy home life. Both of his parents have addiction issues. Both have done prison time. He's emotionally aware enough to realize that a lot of his emotional problems come from trying to cope with him family issues.

Anyway, I asked him how he saw his life in 10 years. He sees himself as being able to make it but still having some of the same anger issues he has now. He doesn't think you can really change who you are-so if you have anger issues now, you'll always have anger issues.

It made me start thinking about that. I truly believe you have the power to change who you are. I don't think it's an easy process...or maybe sometimes it's too easy. Depends on what you are trying to change! Flipping channels the other day I saw a snippet of Chef Jeff on the Food Network. He did time in a federal prison for selling drugs. Now he owns restaurants. He made the comment though that he made a conscious decision to stay away from people, places and things that brought him down.

What do you do when the people who are bringing you down are your family? How hard that must be.

He has a really hard time at our school. The expectations for behavior and academics are very high. If you're capable of A's and B's then C's are just not okay. Not doing your homework is not an option. We don't send kids home for behavior problems. They stay at school and deal with the consequences. He realizes that teachers want him to be successful...he just doesn't understand why they care.

I deal with these thoughts pretty much every year. Does the amazing amount of effort we're putting into this kid really have any effect? Especially when we are dealing with a 5th grader who spends one year on our campus. Will this year of working hard, having people who actively show their care, will it make a difference in his life? Will he stay on the same track he has stayed on for so long? Can he see that his life can change-if he puts to effort and energy into it? I don't know the answer to that. Most days I just hope.

posted on Nov 12, 2008 9:14 PM ()


Yes, people can change. It can take a lot of work and reminding.
comment by stiva on Nov 22, 2008 11:13 AM ()
comment by firststarisee on Nov 13, 2008 6:27 PM ()
I, and my associates, measure success by how many of our young men stay alive and out of prison past 21 years of age, maybe get some level of education, a semi-well-paying job, marry and stay with the mother of their children. 50% would be fantastic - super!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Nov 13, 2008 2:10 PM ()
I do think have the ability to change. In fact, I think most people change in a slow evolution that they do not realize is happening.
I do think you are right in saying that it is most difficult to implement specific change.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 13, 2008 12:18 PM ()
"He doesn't think you can really change who you are-so if you have anger issues now, you'll always have anger issues."
It's not only 11-year-olds who confuse who they are with how they react to life-situations. I know from my experience as a kid--much the same as this guy's--that when I had a thought or a feeling, that was reality, and I had to react to it. No intervention was offered when my father died (I was 13) but that is apparently what sent my behavior totally down hill. Unfortunately, I don't know what it would take to reach a young kid like this one. But I suppose the important thing is not to give up trying.
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 13, 2008 11:40 AM ()
Check with Hayduke on the issue of whether people can change - he did! He's living proof...
I think you are making a difference and that the kids are VERY lucky to have you in their lives.
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 13, 2008 8:20 AM ()
HELL YES YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!! It may not show up today or tomorrow... hell, you might not ever see the effect you have on some of these kids, but I truly truly truly believe YOU ARE MAKING AN IMPACT! And that boy you speak of? I think he's going to make it and I think he's going to be OK because he's aware of his surroundings and he's at least THINKING of the future! Right now, he can't think about being able to change because his family is his everything, but in 10 years when he's old enough to be on his own, he will be able to break free from them and be the best he can be... and I bet he thinks back about the conversations he's had with you.
comment by mrsstu on Nov 13, 2008 7:42 AM ()
I believe that people can change, but very few do, because it takes a complete u-turn in what they were raised to be. For so many, unfortunately, it is easier to stay in the cycle of dysfunction that they know than to challenge the unknown.
You may never know the extent of your involvement in one child's life, but you have to believe that you have had some positive effect. In the future, it may be just one thing that you have instilled in them in that one year you have had them that will come to mind and strengthen them in their quest for change.
I understand the difficulty and frustration of your job, and appreciate the commitment you have to your students. I have taught elementary school and was a Title 1 teacher, so I know what it is like to see children come from nearly unbelievable and impossible situations. You are doing a great job, the best that you can. Keep up the good work!
comment by busymichmom on Nov 13, 2008 6:50 AM ()
We (teachers) always have our ideals (hope thats correct english) We also always want the best for our pupils. Reading all your posts i can see you are very involved with your pupils (they really are lucky). When they really want I think pupils can change but it costs them a lot more then pupils with normal backgrounds. Thx sharing!
comment by itsjustme on Nov 13, 2008 3:25 AM ()
Ra has anger management issues and I have put him in counseling, the counselor goes right to the school and does it there. I feel for the child in your class, Ra has similar issues with his parents, but now he has us and will be better off for it. Good luck. And thanks for being one of those teachers that still cares about her students.
comment by sumkindabich on Nov 13, 2008 1:30 AM ()

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