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Religion > Time Spirt (Zeitgeist, the Movie)

Time Spirt (Zeitgeist, the Movie)

from Wikipedia
Zeitgeist, the Movie is a 2007 documentary film, produced by Peter Joseph about the Jesus myth hypothesis, the attacks of 9/11, and the Federal Reserve Bank as well as a number of conspiracy theories related to those three main topics. It was released free online via Google Video in June of 2007.
A remastered version was presented as a global premiere on November 10,
2007 at the 4th Annual Artivist Film Festival & Artivist Awards. The film has attracted significant public interest.
Zeitgeist was first released on June 26, 2007 and topped the Google video charts most viewed videos. The film was translated into several languages and is distributed officially via Google Video & BitTorrent. Zeitgeist won the top award of Best Feature Documentary/Artivist Spirit at the 4th Annual Artivists Awards in 2008 in Hollywood, CA. An upcoming sequel has been announced.
The film starts with a speech by Chogyam Trungpa about spirituality, followed by a series of musically synchronized clips of war and explosions culminating with one of the towers of World Trade Center collapsing during 9/11.
Then there follows a sequence of clips showing the horrors of war.
There is a short clip that shows a hand writing "1 + 1 = 2", but is
brushed away by another hand before the first finishes, and is replaced
by a bible and an American flag. After a few more war clips, the film
then quotes Jordan Maxwell's Inner World of the Occult, criticizing religious institutions, governments, and the banking cartels
who "have misled [the people] away from the true and divine presence in
the universe." This portion ends with more images accompanied by audio
of a portion of a  George Carlin monologue on religion.
Part I: The Greatest Story Ever Told
Part I evaluates the historicity of the Bible. In furtherance of the Jesus myth hypothesis, this part argues that the historical Jesus is a literary and astrological hybrid,
and that the Bible is based on astrological principles documented by
many ancient civilizations, especially pertaining to the movement of
the sun through the sky and stars. The film explains how and why early
civilizations personified the Sun as the "representative of the unseen Creator or God" and how stars were linked into constellations,
the 12 constellations being a place of travel for "God's Sun" and
representing "elements of nature that happened during that period of
time." This section is also used by the film to show the Pagan origins
of the symbol of the Cross.
Horus, the Ancient Egyptian Sun God, is introduced as having a number of attributes in common with Jesus.
For instance, the movie claims that Horus was born of a virgin mother,
his arrival was proclaimed by a star in the east and upon his birth he
was adored by three kings. He was a child teacher at 12, was baptized
at 30, traveled with 12 disciples and performed acts such as healing
the sick and walking on water. The relationship between Horus & Set
is also discussed. The movie describes this conflict (dark vs. light or
good vs. evil) as "one of the most ubiquitous mythological dualities
ever known and it's still expressed to many levels at this day."
According to the movie, religion and myths in general are used to
manipulate and mobilize populations and maintain established social
"Christianity, along with all other theistic belief systems [...] empowers those who know the truth, but use the myth to manipulate & control societies. The religious myth is the most powerful device ever created, and serves as the psychological soil upon which other myths can flourish."

Read more at wikipedia.com.
see the movie at: https://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ 

posted on July 13, 2008 10:55 AM ()


I posted once about it on blogster with a youtube version.... interesting
comment by itsjustme on Aug 6, 2008 11:08 AM ()
Sounds like a very interesting movie. I will have to try and find it.
comment by lunarhunk on July 13, 2008 11:19 AM ()

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