Dale London


Dale London
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Entertainment > Movies > The Oblongs: the Complete Twisted Series: Disc 1

The Oblongs: the Complete Twisted Series: Disc 1

Living near a polluted swamp in the pharmaceutical capital of the world is kind of a drag for the dysfunctional Oblong family, a misshapen clan of misfits who suffer from odd ailments & missing limbs every once in awhile. Based on cartoonist Angus Oblong's

book Creep Susie & 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children,

this offbeat animated series features the vocal talents of twins Jason & Randy Sklar,

Jean Smart

& Will Ferrell.

This disc includes the following episodes:

1. Misfit Love - A lazy-eyed, one-haired hyperactive boy named Milo Oblong is sent to "normal school" and falls for a popular girl who is actually an alien. Meanwhile, Bob Oblong (the armless, legless patriarch of the Oblong family) searches for a way to pay off the medical bills after his boss, George Klimer, cancels his insurance at work. 3.25 stars (Dale-3.5, David-3)

2. Narcoleptic Scottie - In an attempt to calm his hyperactivity, Bob and Pickles let Milo care for an injured Scottish terrier, but when the dog proves to be a bad influence on Milo, he's forced to give the dog up for adoption. 2.88 stars (Dale-2.5, David-3.25)

3. Milo Interrupted - After a Hill kid chucks a rock at the window of Mr. Bergstein's house, the mayor hires a Bible-thumping, gun nut named Mrs. Hubbard to investigate the Valley for dysfunctional families. Meanwhile, Milo discovers that Helga's parents are missing and must care for her, making Bob suspect that Milo is abusing drugs. Helga falls in love with Milo and she kidnapped him. 2.5 stars.

4. Bucketheads - Milo becomes an unlikely trendsetter for the Hill kids after Pickles sends him to school with a bucket on his head, but the fame goes to Milo's head when Milo sets out to create his own line of offbeat attire. 3.75 stars (Dale-3.5, David-4)

5. Heroine Addict - Pickles wins the chance at a shopping spree from a cigarette company, but when she passes out after smoking one too many cigarettes, Pickles decides to quit smoking (and drinking alcohol after inadvertently setting her finger on fire) — and becomes a thrill seeker after accidentally punching a woman during a Tae-Bo class. 3.5 stars (Dale-4, David-3)

6. The Golden Child - Bob Oblong becomes depressed after learning all his suggestions to make Globocide better have been used as kindling for the factory's furnace. Meanwhile, Milo creates an energy drink called "Manic"... and is named "The Corporate Messiah" by the higher-ups at Globocide. 3.25 stars (Dale-3.5, David-3)

7. Flush, Flush, Sweet Helga - When Milo and his friends get caught crashing a Debbie birthday party, Helga ends up losing Debbie's locket and goes in the sewers to retrieve it... only to be stuck in the Valley's sewer pipes. 3.63 stars. (Dale-3.75, David-3.5)

Rated TV-14 2 hours 30 minutes 2001

3.25 Disc 1. 3.25 Series. An interesting series. Still not sure if I like it or not. Seems to fluctuate alot!

posted on Nov 11, 2010 10:36 PM ()


I got a little addicted to this series when it was on Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network many years ago. I just couldn't stop. I am not sure why because I felt the same way as you, rating-wise.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 12, 2010 12:15 PM ()
hmmm interesting!!! It's alright!
reply by panthurdreams on Nov 12, 2010 2:33 PM ()

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