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Food & Drink > How to Cut an Onion Without Crying

How to Cut an Onion Without Crying

from "Living Cuisine" by Renee Loux Underkoffler
I have heard many wild claims for how to keep the tears at bay while cutting onions. I have tried them all with varying degrees of success (like trying to cure hiccups). I do not mind the tears, as long as no other fluids get involved (sniff, sniff).
One suggetion that I have found to be quite effective is to slice onions under running water, although logistically it does not work out to chop onions under running water because they wash down the drain. Another suggestion, which some chefs swear by, is to bite a chopstick while cutting the onions. This unusual techinque is to encourage breathing through your mouth, so the volatile oils of the onion do not sneak up your nose and irritate the mucous membranes and make your eyes and nose run. Otherwise, I find good ventilation to be a simple and effective solution.

posted on June 26, 2008 7:19 PM ()


Cut out the core of the onion—where the root comes out. This is the section that has the most tear-inducing properties. That's how I was taught at the restaurant where I work. It works great!
Or...chew gum while slicing the onion. I don't know why but it works.
comment by mattguru18 on July 2, 2008 10:04 AM ()
Have you tried using sweet onions? I think they're called Vidalia. They are usually so mild they don't make me tear up. Another trick I heard on TV was not to cut off the part that has the roots. The guy always cut off the other end... the end that had the plant growing out of it before it became an onion in the store. I think Martin's idea is superb... now if I can find someone to do it...
comment by sunlight on June 29, 2008 2:27 PM ()
First keep them under running water then just cut... it helps ( a bit)
comment by itsjustme on June 27, 2008 3:30 AM ()
I have the best way--get bsomeone else to cut them for you!
comment by greatmartin on June 26, 2008 7:32 PM ()

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