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Vp Debate - Old News
Vp Debate - Old News
I am still hearing from the Dem-Lib moan/groan, whine/cry about how Sarah Palin disrespected the debate format, and worst of all, disrespected poor little ole' Gwen Eifil; well so what - good for Sarah. They might as well as had Barbara Boxer or Nancy Pelosi as moderator, how much more one-sided or partisan could they (debate organizers) have gotten? What would the democrat party and/or Joe Biden have done if the moderator was Super-GOP like Bi;ll O'Reilly or Sean Hennedy? Or even a semi-moderate like Rush Limbaugh? Every question from one point of view (democrat)trying to make the opposition (republican)look bad, or appear to be off the mark. Yes, from the scoring method of a debating format, Biden did somewhat better; but for answering the questions in a manner to appease the watching party constituents - refusing to be taken in by the opposition (Gwen Eifil) - Sarah Palin did a great job and scored her own points her own way!!!!
posted on Oct 5, 2008 6:09 PM ()
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