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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > No - We Can Not Have the Truth

No - We Can Not Have the Truth

Vets for freedom ad!! How low life!! How disgusting!! WHY SO?? Of course, too much, (99.99%) of the ad is truth. Just like John Kerrey and the Swift Boat Vet ads. Oh No No - Can't have - can't allow!! Why Not?? It was all true, that's why not. Would, or did John Kerrey sign the paperwork to allow the release of his official military records?? NO, NO WAY. WHY NOT?? His "less than honorable" discharge!! Yes, Obama would meet with Akmo of Iran, and Castro in Cuba, against everything American, But he would not meet with General Patreaus in Iraq to learn the truth regarding any progress. DemLibs can't let the truth interfere with campaign, rhetoric, and appeasement to the many loony-tune radical fringe groups of supporters.

posted on May 29, 2008 8:46 PM ()


I can see you feel strongly about this. I think it's good to be passionate about our beliefs.
comment by pecan on June 4, 2008 5:45 PM ()
may I asking, who is John Kerrey
comment by mustakim on June 3, 2008 8:07 AM ()
Oh my. This IS a lively page! Kudos on such a provocative post.
comment by jerms on June 2, 2008 9:50 PM ()
You could also easily add the name of George Bush to that of the other liberal RINO's which you cited. Of course you did not name any real conservatives, but where are they anyway today????
comment by oldfatguy on June 2, 2008 6:07 PM ()
When I go vote I want a space marked "None of the above".
comment by mzscarlett on June 1, 2008 8:43 PM ()

Ah yesss...Vets for Freedom. the pro war front group with such honorary senate members as Joe "kill em all, I am taking the stage with Jew hater Hagee" lieberman and Lindsy Gramm. Too bad that their participation in said organization violates campaign rules...


Two of Sen. John McCain’s top campaign chairmen are serving on the board of an independent organization that is behind a new attack ad against Sen. Barack Obama, an apparent violation of the Arizona Republican’s new conflict of interest policy.

Sens. Joseph Lieberman and Lindsey Graham both hold chairs for the McCain camp as well as positions on the board of advisers of Vets for Freedom, an advocacy group that supports the Iraq war.

A week ago these titles may not have been a political issue. But under McCain’s newly-implemented ethics policy, Lieberman and Graham’s role with Vets for Freedom is now proving problematic.

According to the policy: “No person with a McCain Campaign title or position may participate in a 527 or other independent entity that makes public communications that support or oppose any presidential candidate.”

But since when do conservatives let the rules get in the way, when a smear campaign is involved...
comment by ekyprogressive on May 30, 2008 10:21 AM ()
They (the Left) have plans to shut down free speech. I don't know how they intend to pull it off but I'm certain it will begin here at the internet. They have already shut down dissent in our colleges.
Settle back now and enjoy the rest of the show.
comment by think141 on May 30, 2008 9:36 AM ()
Seems to be.
comment by texastar on May 30, 2008 4:40 AM ()

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