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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > The New Deal Ended the Depression

The New Deal Ended the Depression

Way too many people give false claim and credit to FDR and his New Deal uber-spending for ending the Great Depression - while nothing could be more further from the truth. Wrong, wrong, wrong, just the opposite was so. Oh yes, FDR initiated many government make-work agencies such as TVA, WPA, and CCC which created and improved upon many wonderful infrastructure projects, most of which are still in abundant use today. These jobs provided an income and money to many needy families all throughout America. But, did this help end the depression? NOT!!Where did the money (salaries and wages) come from? True history, as opposed to political party propaganda proves that in spite of FDR's great intentions, most of his programs just exacerbated, prolonged, or even worsened an already bad economic situation. And how could this be so, you may ask? Remember back when the United States dollar (monetary system)was backed up by gold at the rate of $32.00 per ounce? But not for FDR and his administration. Just keep printing out more and more dollars to pay for more and more government project workers. So what if the mighty one dollar was only worth 10 cents of gold after only 3 years of uncontrolled and unregulated government spending. ( The past could soon become the future) World War II caused the end of the Great Depression; and many conspiracy theory types speculate that this is why there was no military prepared opposition to the Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbor, even though there was much advance knowledge of such an impending action at the highest levels of our military and our government.

posted on Jan 3, 2009 8:12 PM ()


Exponentially, the rich keep getting richer - the poor keep getting poorer - and with any luck at all, those of us anywhere in the middle can stay somewhere near even!!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Jan 11, 2009 3:34 PM ()
The money-printers are running twenty-four/seven now, devaluating the green stuff I have in my wallet as each second ticks away. And, something tells me that, while the middle and lower classes are now losing their jobs, the fat cats at the top of the pile are STILL going to be receiving their bonuses, even as their companies crumble.
comment by hayduke on Jan 10, 2009 4:41 PM ()
I can't believe you referred to your wife as a "hooker" in Gary's response...
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 8, 2009 2:05 PM ()
Dr. Bill, my husband is seriously into history, and he completely agrees with you. Well, like you, he is a Republican... But, he does say (quite often) that WWII was the thing that ended the depression.
comment by sunlight on Jan 8, 2009 1:52 PM ()
Chocolate usually ends my depression. Either that or a trip to the mall. Hope you and your wife have a wonderful and safe New Year!
comment by mzscarlett on Jan 6, 2009 10:08 AM ()
First of all... I am sending some "Detroit Hookers" to William "Aka Fat Guy" (On me dude:). Not because he is bad, actually I think he is a good guy with different thoughts then I have. I think the guy needs a good "
lap dance" and a good back rub now and then.

There is no mistaken, war (any war) we are involved in will increase jobs. In the long run, it will help the economy. That however depends, on the war.. and alot of things. The economy was great with "Clinton" (no major war).. we had trillions in the "plus", Only took George Bush a few years to make us "Trillions" in deficit. Reason, Clinton is a real player, he can play "Monopoly", Bush plays "Yahtzee". Clinton knows strategy, Bush takes his chance.. afterall, he is already set for life.

So Bush leaves... Obama has to clean up his mess... I don't know dude.. I think you are missing the "wide picture"...

Thats all for now... gary
comment by coincutter on Jan 4, 2009 6:58 PM ()
You certainly are correct, World War II really ended the depression, and as for printing money, we're back at it only we're giving it back right now to Wall Street who ripped us off in the first place? And over a trillion dollars to no avail and no new jobs...something wrong with this picture? My prediction for the deficit in 2009 is 2 trillion dollars...
comment by strider333 on Jan 4, 2009 12:30 AM ()

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