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Black Conservative Thought

Life & Events > 40 Things

40 Things

40 Things About Me
1). Do you like blue cheese dressing? Number one favorite
2). Have you ever smoked cigarettes? Like a chimney – addicted for 48 years
3). Do you own a gun? 25 handguns -- 7 rifles -- 1 sawed off assault shotgun
4). What is your favorite drink at Starbucks? None – do not like their bitter coffee
5). What do you think of hotdogs? Lips and assholes - meat by-products - not fit for human consumption
6). Favorite Christmas movie? None – do not have time to watch movies
7). What do you prefer to drink in the morning? 64 ounce pot of dark roast coffee
8). Can you do push ups? Still do 2 or 3 one handed – right or left
9). What is your favorite piece of jewelry? Whatever my woman is wearing & pretty
10). Favorite hobbies? My job teaching – research – writing my next book
11). Do you have ADD? Hell yes. Always have – always will
12). What's the one trait you hate about yourself? Impatience.
13). Middle name? Washington
14). Name three thoughts at this exact moment. Why in the H am I doing this
15). 3 things I drink the most. Coffee, water, diet Mountain Dew
16). Current worry right now. None – What, me worry
17) Current hates right now. None – counter productive – too controlling – Maybe anything connected to ex-pres Bill Clinton and his drug smuggling operation in Arkansas (State Police) which led to many of my problems of question #30.......
18). Favorite place to be? Beachfront condo _ late spring and early Fall
19). How did you ring in the New Year? Falling asleep 11 PM
20) Like to travel? Love to...mostly on someone else’s tab
21). Name three people who will complete this? Most MyBloggerstown residents, I hope
22). Do you own slippers? Yes
23). What color shirt are you wearing? Medium powder blue with white collar and cuffs
24). Could you ever make it 39 days on the show "Survivor"? Why would I want to at my age?
25). What songs to you sing in the shower? None – can’t sing – can’t carry a tune
26). Favorite girl's names. Oh baby – yes baby -
27). Favorite boy names. Not my type
28). What's in your pocket right now? Wallet, pocketknife, change, keys, 32 automatic
29). Last thing that made you laugh? My sister not needing any more money from me
30). Worst injury you've ever had? Grenade frag – knife in back – shot 3 times – beaten and left for dead 3 times.
31). Do you love where you live? For now, yes – soon (very few years) will be oceanfront
32). How many tv's do you have in your house? 1
33). Who is your loudest friend? Screaming new great-grand son
34). Does someone have a crush on you? Only in my dreams – or if I would pay them enough
35). What is your favorite candy? Circus Peanuts
36). Favorite sports team. Oakland Raiders
37). What were you doing at 12am last night? Just going to bed
38). What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up today? 6 AM "I gotta pee".
39). What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving – Christmas – family togetherness
40). What are your plans for tomorrow? Work – actual physical labor around the house, outside yard and garden.

posted on Mar 20, 2009 6:34 PM ()

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