Stu TheStupidgirl


Stu TheStupidgirl
Bangor, ME


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Ask, Believe, Receive

Life & Events > So Now That That's Over ...

So Now That That's Over ...

we can get back to everything else.

And since this is my blog, this is my reality with everything else:

A) I had to de-friend my ignorant sister-in-law on Myspace. She kept putting racist comments on her fucking page regarding the recent President-elect Barack Obama. Comments that range from having to now learn Ebonics to changing the National Anthem to the likes of "Drop it like it's Hot." And she's trying to pass it off like it's all a joke, but I'm sorry - Racism is Hate is Ugly is NOT a joke, bitch. And that goes for everyone out there spewing racist comments.

B) My nephew is finally moving from the dark hole that sucks any good out of him. And he's gotten himself a real job. He's still a HS drop-out, but baby steps forward are better than things going backward.

C) Bryan Adams celebrated his 49th birthday yesterday! :)

D) I received an email from my grandmother's cousin's daughter (got that?) today. She's around my age and married with two boys, and living in her home country over in Europe somewhere. I actually attended her wedding several years back when I was blessed enough to travel with my grandparents back to their homeland. Anyway, she emailed me to tell me some exciting news: she's expecting a baby girl on March 20th.

That's three days before I was due. :(

I didn't share my miscarriage news with many (in real life) so she has no idea the sting I felt. I'm happy for her, I really am, but wow was it hard to see that date pop up.

E) I've Asked that someone rent out my condo for almost a year now, I've Believed that someone would rent it out many times, and I'm really hoping/asking/believing/praying that tonight's the night that happens.

If you have it in you, would you Believe, too?

posted on Nov 6, 2008 12:34 PM ()


Sh*t... I'd totally de-friend your SIL too.
That's so hard with the dates almost matching up... I'm sending good thoughts your way.
comment by mellowdee on Nov 12, 2008 10:59 AM ()
I'll believe.
comment by janetk on Nov 7, 2008 2:20 PM ()
Can't help you with that sister-in-law...I'm a bit shocked...but your condo will be rented!
comment by strider333 on Nov 6, 2008 6:55 PM ()
I believe!!! I believe your condo will be rented out! Better yet - SOLD!
I hear ya on the racist crapola. Annoying and I truly believe that it's how small people make themselves feel better.

comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 6, 2008 4:04 PM ()
"Racism is Hate is Ugly is NOT a joke, #####. And that goes for everyone out there spewing racist comments".

Agreed - I have heard my fair share this past few months - I just turn and walk away every time... "Most" of them get the HINT!
comment by greeneyedgemini on Nov 6, 2008 2:53 PM ()
I Believe that the condo will be rented and that you will be a mommy someday soon!
I'm really shocked to hear that so many people are spewing hate. You're not the first person I've heard this from today. And to think that our president elect had been on many occasions referred to as an elitist to be turned around and have these ignorant comments made about him. Funny how you can get hit from both sides and yet win in a LANDSLIDE!
comment by sexysadie on Nov 6, 2008 2:40 PM ()

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