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Entertainment > Movies > Movie Review - Get Smart

Movie Review - Get Smart

Yesterday I went to watch “Get Smart” starring Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway. After seeing reviews on, I had very low expectations for this movie because it got bad reviews.

I heard that if you’ve seen the original television series (which I haven't), that you probably won’t enjoy the movie version of it. Despite that claim it was a pretty funny movie, somewhat predictable though because I guessed the villain during the first 30 minutes of the movie.

Steve Carell was funny and had perfect comedic timing … his physical comedy was hilarious. His wit and humor were almost like the character he plays on, “The Office”. The movie in my opinion was just one of those “slap stick humor” type films where you can laugh together with your friends.

Anne Hathaway played a good balance to Steve’s character. She provided the serious part of the team. She did have her moments though.

There was one guy seated close to me who busted out laughing several times and one time got out of his chair laughing and slapped the seat in front of him.

Thank goodness I was two seat’s over because he would have probably slapped ME if I were sitting next to him.

Anyway … I had fun going out and it was nice to be with a couple of people and laugh because I had a tiring week at work. When the movie ended all of us parted ways and headed home.

I was low on gas and decided to get some near my house and to my surprise it was $4.09!!! I think that’s pretty cheap for gas around here..average I think is around $4.09 - $4.15.

THAT right there is a full tank of gas!! I haven’t seen the gas tank full like this for months … I was happy for a change.

posted on July 10, 2008 8:40 AM ()


I'll definitely try to find the British version of "The Office". I didn't know it existed. I love BBC TV.
comment by mattguru18 on July 11, 2008 11:52 AM ()
I am glad you had a good time at the movies. I have heard so much bad things about this one in the press, but most of the people I know who saw it have enjoyed it. I guess a lot of it plays into expectations.
That is so awesome about the gas prices. We have one station near where I work that is able to keep it under the $4.00 mark so I am getting away with $3.98 a gallon. I go out of my way to get my gas there even if it is in the other direction from where I live in relation to the library.
comment by lunarhunk on July 10, 2008 12:37 PM ()
Will pass this up.Not my type of movie.Maybe on DVD is I am
hot up for a movie.
comment by fredo on July 10, 2008 10:20 AM ()

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