I got a little reminder of how immature so many high school students are. People can be real asses over nothing. This is mostly a rant, but it is all too common in this world, and very uncalled for. For this (true) story of my day, I will start from the beginning:
There is a kid in one of my classes; I don't care for him at all and I don't try to hide the fact. During class today, one of my friends made the joke: "everything can be blamed on Justin." I simply played along and said "even global warming." We laughed at the preposterousness of the statement, and he gave me a glare. Everyone was aware of the joke, but it was blown out of proportion.
His friend, for whom I also do not censor my distaste for, stooped to the maturity level of a first-grader. He used to be someone I respected, but any friendship is long since gone. (Keep in mind for this part that we had a substitute teacher:) After my comment, he walked up to the board and wrote "matt likes c**k," where he proceeds to draw a picture of a rooster.
I ignored that entirely, and he eventually erased it by demand of the sub. But the thing that gets me is the fact that he acted so immaturely over some kidding around. My joke was obviously so. He directly attacked my character. He tried to imply that I was gay (which he doesn't know I am), but made a scene about it. He had no justification for anything he did. The joke wasn't even about him.
At the very least, I only have about five more weeks of these people. Maybe, just maybe, these people will start acting like adults; that's asking a lot.