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Life & Events > High School Immaturity

High School Immaturity

I got a little reminder of how immature so many high school students are. People can be real asses over nothing. This is mostly a rant, but it is all too common in this world, and very uncalled for. For this (true) story of my day, I will start from the beginning:

There is a kid in one of my classes; I don't care for him at all and I don't try to hide the fact. During class today, one of my friends made the joke: "everything can be blamed on Justin." I simply played along and said "even global warming." We laughed at the preposterousness of the statement, and he gave me a glare. Everyone was aware of the joke, but it was blown out of proportion.

His friend, for whom I also do not censor my distaste for, stooped to the maturity level of a first-grader. He used to be someone I respected, but any friendship is long since gone. (Keep in mind for this part that we had a substitute teacher:) After my comment, he walked up to the board and wrote "matt likes c**k," where he proceeds to draw a picture of a rooster.

I ignored that entirely, and he eventually erased it by demand of the sub. But the thing that gets me is the fact that he acted so immaturely over some kidding around. My joke was obviously so. He directly attacked my character. He tried to imply that I was gay (which he doesn't know I am), but made a scene about it. He had no justification for anything he did. The joke wasn't even about him.

At the very least, I only have about five more weeks of these people. Maybe, just maybe, these people will start acting like adults; that's asking a lot.

posted on May 8, 2008 1:18 PM ()


Always difficult to receive these childish reactions. You can say it doesnt hurt but you know it does...
comment by itsjustme on May 12, 2008 10:46 AM ()
Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle: "When I look back on all the crap I learned in High School, It's a wonder I can think at all." (Kodachrome) Social Skills: You see more of them in College, but they are pretty lame in High School. One grows into them in high school, or spends years being an ass and maybe never learn them. Sometimes they push the wrong person's buttons and learn by having a busted up mouth and broken nose and huge dental bills, etc.

There are volumes written about how to get along with other people but none has been found wiser than the Golden Rule: Do unto other as you would have them do unto you." Dale Carnegie wrote a book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People." A long, tiring dissection of the golden rule, but helpful for those without a clue. Another version is "Live and Let Live." I have always believed in giving people as much room as they need to be personally crazy, without infringing on my space and rights. It all adds up to the same thing. Some folks grow up too soon, some never grow up. It is no longer incumbent upon us to educate everyone we meet, just the ones we care about. You can recommend PFLAG for people you care about with homophobia, but don't develop Heterophobia in response. Sometimes people just need to pass out of our lives if they can't accept us as we are. Think kindly of them and let them go. You're allowed to ignore the real creeps.
comment by thestephymore on May 12, 2008 12:44 AM ()
I agree with nittineedles! I remember the high school days so well and was thankful when I graduated. Sometimes, I run into people that seem to continue to live in their high school years. It's sad that they are adults but never seemed to mature.
comment by hopefields on May 10, 2008 12:47 AM ()
One of the benefits of graduating is moving on from that, but you will be surprised how much you forget that stuff when you are old and look back on those years! I know I do!
comment by lunarhunk on May 8, 2008 7:36 PM ()
Matt, I'm more surprised that all the sub did was make him erase the picture!!
I remarked, after reading your first blog and telling others about it, that I thought you were very mature for an 18 year old and you have constantly proved it since.
Don't be surprised when you see many guys in their 20s acting like high school kids and there are quite a few immature guys in their 30s, 40s, 50s and up--yes, there are a group who never grow up, who think they are funny when they are just being crass. This type thrives on negative attention and the best thing you can do is ignore them as you are better than that/them!
comment by greatmartin on May 8, 2008 4:20 PM ()
Well Matt,I have to agree and disagree on your point of view.
They are not adults yet.They are still kids.
I remember when I graduate from High School and was not mature
at all.We all have the young kids stature.
They will be fine and will grow up being mature.
so,what the hurry.Let enjoy life while we are still young.
They are not ready for adult hood.That is no problem.
Why rush it.Yea,it may sound corny but they are kids.
I did not mature till a very late age in life.
When I join the Navy after high school was still very immature.
What I am trying to say to not be too hard on them.
There is a reason for everything.
Enjoy the young life,whats the hurry.
Time is too short.
At that age did want to act like an adult,want to have fun in
my life.This is me.
comment by fredo on May 8, 2008 1:35 PM ()
Everyone grows up but not everyone matures.
comment by nittineedles on May 8, 2008 1:23 PM ()

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