So I turned on the radio and started to gather my ingredients, while dancing to whatever was playing on the radio. Sorry if the pictures are taking long to load, they were from my camera and I didn’t turn down the resolution of the pictures.

Brown Sugar
All-Purpose Flour
Overripe Banana’s
I didn’t have a mixer which made it more difficult when I had to creme the butter and brown sugar together. Let’s just say it gave me a good arm workout when mixing those ingredients. You can see I made a little mess while mixing, haha. It was all good though.

This was after I mixed all the ingredients together, the batter color looks nice and creamy after mixing it by hand for goodness knows how long, haha. After the batter was mixed it was ready to be poured into a 9×5 loaf pan. The only thing was my Mom only had the small aluminum kind. Which meant instead of one large loaf, it would be two mini ones.
Right before going into the oven, I was afraid of the batter overfilling.

Halfway baking … eh … it looks decent, at least it didn’t overfill. They remind me of large muffin tops instead of bread.

Voila, the final product! Color looks decent and it smelled really good right out of the oven. Sorry if the picture is a bit blurry, my hands were shaking. But it looks nice.