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Health & Fitness > The Ear's Have It

The Ear's Have It

I woke up this morning and immediately I realised something was wrong. All the sounds I heard were in mono.

Then it hit me: my right ear isn’t working right.

It was horrible - the ringing was nearly unbearable - it was clearly some sort of tinnitus, like you get after going to a loud gig. Only this time, only the right half of my head had been to the gig, and worse still the gig had not actually happened.

This caused me to panic a bit - I don’t know much about medical things, when it comes to my own well-being, I work from the position that “ignorance is strength”, as I don’t want to know if I’m really ill or not.

I was worried that I was going deaf - which would be a right pain in the ass. So my Mom drove me to the ER and spoke to the “triage nurse”, whatever that means, who had a look in my ears.

Long story short, I need to put warm olive oil in my ears for some reason. I can’t work out whether this is actually going to be useful, or whether I’m just going to look like a twat. I just hope that if this doesn’t work they don’t move on to recommending ear candles.

So, hopefully my ears will be fixed soon. If you want to try and understand what its like to communicate with me at the moment, try reading this again but IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable July 4 weekend!

posted on July 6, 2008 4:12 PM ()


Hope your ears will be ok. Sounds like a cross between tinnitus & earache. I used to get lots of earaches as a child and would use the warm olive oil to help.
comment by panthurdreams on July 7, 2008 2:47 PM ()
That happened to me the other day, due to allergies. DH kept telling me, "Not so loud."
comment by nittineedles on July 7, 2008 1:44 PM ()
you may find this could be an outstanding thing.
I know that I have this and it never goes away.
Yes,at some time things will be quiet.
There is not much you can do for this.
But to cut down the noise pollution.
I know that you are young and like to hear the music loud.
They have been trying to educate these people and they are not
Listening.Hell yea,they say naw still young.
But give it a few more years and they will see why they are
going deaf.Had this problem in the service working around
planes.Take care of your hearing this is so
comment by fredo on July 7, 2008 9:42 AM ()
Hi Matt. I read your articles, but forget to comment.
I really liked parental addiction. I got this cp 2years ago
and still know hardly anything about it. But what little L
know I put it to good use. I write a monthly church
newsletter.( Takes me a month to write it).
comment by larryb on July 6, 2008 7:48 PM ()
yikes, it's buildup?? Hope your treatment works
comment by ducky on July 6, 2008 4:53 PM ()
Sounds annoying. I hope the olive oil helps!
comment by lunarhunk on July 6, 2008 4:23 PM ()

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