It has been nine months since Meghan Powers' mother was sworn in as the first female President of the United States in The President's Daughter. She has pretty much settled into the new life that comes about with living in the White House. With the start of the new year (her junior year), she finds herself getting closer and closer to her friend Josh, and they really have started to consider themselves a couple.
The whole world is turned upside down when Meg's mother is shot and seriously wounded in an assassination attempt. The whole family must deal with the flurry of emotions (from worry to hurt to anger) that comes about with the confrontation of the real danger that the President and her family are really in. Meg, like her brothers, finds that she must sacrifice things in order to bring about a higher level of security. This includes having to quit the tennis team at school, which is particularly disappointing since she is one of the best players in the county.
Readers get to join Meg on her internal journey as she deals not only with the question of whether or not her mother is going to live, but also the revelations involved. Her boyfriend Josh and most of the kids she goes to school with don't really know what to do, particularly as the stress of the situation leads to a certain level of moodiness as she internalizes her pain and anger.
I really do like this series and am looking forward to reading the third volume.