Today turned out to be interesting this afternoon. A parent of one of the kids who comes to the after-school center every day decided to put together a surprise. She arrived with a few gallons of ice cream and all the fixing so the kids could have a fun ice cream party.

Everyone had a blast with it, including myself. She had gotten the ice cream from Newport Creamery, which is right across the street. For a good chunk of the 70s, 80s, and 90s, it was a major restaurant train in souther New England. After some severe economic troubles, it is down to about 4 or 5 stores, but we are blessed to have one near work. They have some of the best ice cream around.
I was pretty impressed at how orderly the kids were so they could get their ice cream and make sundaes. They even did a great job cleaning up. It really was a great time.