AJ Coutu


AJ Coutu
Providence, RI


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World Of Ares

Arts & Culture > Poetry & Prose > Shadows Return by Lynn Flewelling

Shadows Return by Lynn Flewelling

I was so excited when I heard that this book was coming out! I actually found out about it by mistake. I was telling a friend of mine about one of my favorite fantasy series. He wanted a list of books so I went to the author's website so I could send him the link. While there, I saw an announcement for the book!

Lynn Flewelling is sort of an unsung great fantasy writer who seems to be pushed by the wayside. A part of me can't help but wonder if it is because of the strong GLBTQQI themes that pop up in her books. Her main series centers around two gay male lovers, and her second series is really a prequel trilogy set in the same world and centers around a strong trans character. What I find really interesting is that Flewelling is a straight woman, which makes her insight into these types of relationships and challenges to be very interesting. I would love to know how she has done it.

Alec and Seregil are settling back into their old lifestyle at the major events that changed their lives and homeland in the three previous books. In a way, they are rebuilding their former lives after losing their mentor Nysander in the battle against an invading army and necromancers from the neighboring country of Plenimar. Fortunately, they had strong support of the underground forces of the Nightrunners to help keep their own country of Skala united as it fought of the invaders and dealt with the paranoid actions of their new queen, who has taken the throne after the death of her mother.

Fortunately, Seregil and Alec were able to convince Seregil's people, former Skalan allies from the land of Aurenen who are not unlike elves without the pointed ears, to ally themselves against the dark forces of Plenimar. They swelled forces previously saved the day.

Now, the Queen's half-sister is serving as an emissary to Aurenen in part to make sure she would not threaten the throne. While this is not at all a problem since the half-sister is an honored general and is very dedicated to Skala, the Queen has opted to send Seregil and Alec to recall her.

Not long after they arrive in Aurenen, they are attacked by slavers, who capture and bring them to Plenimar. It seems they have not been captured just to serve. Instead it is partially out of revenge for something from Seregil's past, but mainly it is because of Alec's heritage and blood, which holds a secret that one alchemist is supposed to take advantage of. The question is whether either of them will survive the experience or escape back into a life in Skala.

The writing continues to be strong in this continuing tale that continues to add new characters while continuing with the story. It is heart-wrenching as the readers join the characters through what could be considered torture in the name of science, but it allows for so much internal and external conflict. I loved the book, but I am hooked on the series.

posted on Aug 8, 2008 4:26 PM ()


I might think that I wouldn't hesitate to give her a try. Maybe this book (and others that you seem to recommend) will be a pleasant surprise to me.
comment by donnamarie on Sept 7, 2008 7:31 PM ()

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