AJ Coutu


AJ Coutu
Providence, RI


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World Of Ares

Sports & Recreation > The Olympics Begin

The Olympics Begin

Poor, Rayray! It is that time that comes along every two years where I put my foot down and say that sports will be seen on our television. That's right ... It's time for the Olympics.

Before I get too far into this, I should say that I love to watch sports, but I am not really addicted to any particular ones. Except for basketball, I can say that I am more than happy to have it going on the television screen and read a book, play a computer game, or do something else while it is playing. I do have to admit to a particular weakness for baseball and tennis. Alas, Ray is not a jock. Of the two of us, most people would probably think it the opposite. I mean, he is the big, burly one. I am the smaller, more brainy *cough*nerdy*cough one. Maybe it is because my mom was such a huge sports fan. I guess that means I own my addiction to soaps and sports to her. What a combo!

So, Ray was warned. Starting at 7:30pm on Friday night, the television is mine for the next three weeks. When I was home, the Olympics would be on. I don't want to hear about it.

The Olympics are something special. Yeah, it is just folks playing at games, but it is something more. When it comes to the athletes, it is about their hopes and dreams. We watch on hoping they will do well. For me, it isn't about just the Americans, though, there is a huge amount of pride in them when the national anthem plays. It is about the fact that all of these athletes had dediccated their lives and overcome so much to be here, to represent their countries, and to capture the dreams.

Besides that, though, is the whole idea of the Olympics. It is about setting aside our differences and our international challenges to lete our kids (and adults) compete in the spirit of peace. In the process we get to see people rise and be the best that they can be physically. We also get to see them be the best they can be as human beings as they support lesser abled athletes or cheer each other on. Yesterday a Russian and a Georgian hugged to congratulate each other on winning medals as their two countries were fighting what might turn into a war.

I guess it is because of those ideals, that I get that same feeling I have when I go to a live school or college game. You just get caught up in the moment and the excitement flares. The adrenaline gets going. The tears well up at times.

It is just such a wonderful experience.

posted on Aug 10, 2008 1:52 PM ()


I loved every minute that I got to see of the Olympics because, even though I love sports, the Olympics represent so much more to me than just sports, just like the way you said you feel about them. Do you notice how the athletes and fans alike discourage displays of poor sportsmanship and don't ever really appreciate it? I often think about the fact that it's the governments of the nations at the Olympics that have their differences, while the athletes (as well as the "regular" people of different nations)don't necessarily share those differences, not in a warring way, anyway. The Olympics represent sports that have given many down on their luck a purpose and a pride, some hope in their lives. The Olympics represent a harmony that can exist with respect for others, regardless of differences because we are all humans who also share a lot of common things...in this case, athletic ability and a passion for being a competing athlete. Sure, they play for their countries and their flags, but they all also play for that one flag that represents them all, the Olympic flag...that's the one flag that flies over all of them. And, there's so much for us to learn from the Olympics, even the opening ceremonies for, although they were entertaining, they also taught us about the history, the culture, the imagination, and the creativity of a nation. That's what the Olympics are...to me, anyway...not just a sports show.
comment by donnamarie on Sept 9, 2008 1:36 PM ()
That's nice of Ray to let you have your TV time for the next 3 weeks...what a nice guy
I watched part of the opening ceremony. I was blown away with the use of the massive LCD screen and the synchronized drummers.
Watching Michael Phelps win his first gold was awesome. I'm into watching men and women's gymastics, volleyball, rowing, and tennis.
comment by mattguru18 on Aug 11, 2008 2:15 PM ()
I do like watching the Olympics! Fortunately, my husband... who controls the remote... likes most of it, too.
comment by sunlight on Aug 11, 2008 11:50 AM ()
Hope u liked the opening ceremony...
comment by itsjustme on Aug 11, 2008 5:39 AM ()
Yep, you bare right!!!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 10, 2008 7:50 PM ()
I enjoy watching male gymnastics and swimming--wonder why???
comment by greatmartin on Aug 10, 2008 6:23 PM ()
It has been awesome so far. Ray does like it when they do little stories on the history of China (or any host country). He is being a good sport about it.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 10, 2008 2:09 PM ()
Yes,we have been following this.Mike goes along and he knows that
I liked to see this.Loved the swimming and tennis along with thegy
gymanaistic not sure about the spelling but you get this.
The Chinese are doing great on this.Sorry to hear that the
Hamn brothers will not be there.It was fun watching this
plus to see China like you never seen before.
Ray will forgive you on this.
comment by fredo on Aug 10, 2008 2:05 PM ()

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