This picture really presents the mood I am in. I am feeling warm and cozy as I relax on the couch with the fireplace going. Today reminded me a lot of the old snowstorms we had when I was a kid. It has been pretty much snowing all day. It as a slow snowfall. As a result, we really haven't accumulated too much, which is the best kind.
I had to work. Tuesdays are my long day, which means a 9:30 am - 8:00 pm run. It was snowing when I was driving into work, and it was snowing as I was driving home. The best part was that the roads were pretty clean during both trips, which helped in avoiding stress.
People did not seem to feel restricted by the snow. As a result, we were actually pretty steady at work. While we were not up to the regular steady business. It was actually a nice break. To give you an idea of how busy we have been, when comparing our statistics for people coming into the building between this January with last January, we were up almost 1500 visits ... and that is with a number of days being closed due to snow.
It was also a really pretty snow. It was just floating down slowly and not really accumulating much. It is nice to get less than 8 or 9 inches with a snow storm.