A number of my professional colleagues, who I am friendly with, have been trying to talk me into giving Facebook a try. It is a social networking site that is similar to MySpace. To be honest, I really was not all that interested in getting involved with another social networking site.
I finally decided to give it a try at the end of last week. One of the big reasons is that I point to it as a big resource for new types of library services in one of my lectures so it only makes sense that I have some first-hand experience of how it works.
It actually has been pretty easy to learn how things work. In some ways, it has a lot in common with MySpace, but it is also really different in other ways. One of the biggest benefits is that in the last week or so, I have reconnected with so many of the people I knew in high school and college, and that is really great. Besides reminiscing about the great times of the past, we are also taking the opportunity to bring each other up to speed. Since we are all in our 30s now, everyone is (or is getting) married and pairing off. Many of them have had kids. Some of us have even talked about having a little mini-reunion so we can catch up in person.
I have also connected with some of my favorite MyBloggerstown folks. It is always fun to get a chance to talk to you guys in real-time on top of our blogging and commenting here.
Well, you all know me. I am a social butterfly so it probably isn't all that surprising that I am enjoying this. I am not sure how long I will stay involved with it. The good thing is that I am enjoying it so far.