AJ Coutu


AJ Coutu
Providence, RI


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Life & Events > Relationships > Why Choose Him? - Let's Hear it for the Boy!

Why Choose Him? - Let's Hear it for the Boy!

Reading Don and Janet's posts about the reaction of her friend K to their relationship really got me thinking Like them, I found K's whole view to just be crazy, and she comes across as being shallow and completely insensitive on so many levels.

In some ways, I did get some similar reactions when I started Ray. A lot of people were surprised that I was so happy with him because he is not a "brain" like me. He is by no means stupid, but because he didn't have a formal education, people made assumptions about him. It did not matter that he could talk rings around people when it comes to his knowledge of ancient Egypt. He probably knows enough to have a doctorate in that.

Maybe some of it is due to his size. Do they think Neanderthal? I don't really know. It is just strange. I can only guess that some of his friends and family looked at me and though that I was a hoity-toity nerd.

The thing that is most important is that people got to see us together and realized how happy the two of us made each other.

Well, I heard this on the radio and thought I would share it with Janet, Don, and the rest of you because it really sums things up quite nicely. It is kind of a vocal middle finger to the people who are being too judgemental.

"Let's Hear It for the Boy" by Deniece Williams>

All that matters is that "he really, really loves me!"

posted on June 1, 2008 11:02 AM ()


I'm right with you on this one, AJ! Edie and I may be a lot alike, but believe me when I say we are very different! Edie is quiet, content to be home except for certain occasions. She's way modest and much narrower in her interests than I am. I'm the socializer, the talker, the one who want to go everywhere and do everything...and, yet, sometimes I just won't move for anybody. She's got a lot of education; I hardly have any. We bicker and not every darn thing is perfect. Yet, our love is deeper than I could ever describe, we trust each other completely, and because we've been pulling together through all of our troubles (you know, the work and earnings problems that create "quality of living" problems) like we've been there together for all the good and better times, we know we belong together! Relationships work and don't work for a whole number of reasons, so it isn't fair to judge based on pre-conceived notions.
comment by donnamarie on June 2, 2008 10:19 PM ()
Wow that final part I can so much agree with ur post AJ. Only thing that counts is: do you feel happy with eachother. I know you do! The way you talk about him ( and you like to talk about him) says aneogh for your love to him!
comment by itsjustme on June 2, 2008 4:23 AM ()
Who is Janet and Don?? What am I missing??
I look at couples who have been together 20-30 years or more and still don't understand how 'they' ever got together--opposites attract?--but they did, they are so what do I know??
comment by greatmartin on June 1, 2008 5:25 PM ()
what brought this on.It is none of other people business but
your own.Love is a very strong word and that is only what you
need.It does not matter if you are brainy than he.Love my friend
is the most powerful word for him.I know that you loved him.
your happy that is all that it count my love.
Let hear from Ray.Does he knows about this?

comment by fredo on June 1, 2008 1:47 PM ()

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