I was told that I should write something personal.
Well I will try.
Yesterday was a bad weather day, but I thought
it was going to be worse today. So I went to town
to pick up a couple of things that were on sale and
was going off Saturday.
Well I was alright driving, but other people were
having trouble. I had to turn around to get around
one fender- bender, but I made it OK. I got the things I wanted, An external hard drive and a digital camera.
Now all I have to do is learn how to use them.
Well, this morning I got up, bathed, and made breakfast,
done the laundry and some cleaning. After I got caught up,
I did what I always do when I get bored. I started reading.
After reading for awhile until my eyes got tired, I started cooking. You should see my freezer. I cook a lot when I cook. Then after I give some of it to my son who lives on
this property. Also some to my oldest daughter, who lives on the other side of the pond, I kept out enough to last me a couple of days and froze the rest in small containers.
Then after fighting with this computer for awhile, it
is really giving me fits, it was bedtime.
I think that is enough personal for now. I will have to write the story of my life one of these days. I think I can do it in one or two days. Good night everyone.
I am responsible for the lunches here and have been falling down on my duties since my last fall. My pain is so severe, I just do the least I can. The pain medicine doesn't help nerve pain, so I just "O Me a lot".