Mrs. Kitchen


Mrs. Kitchen
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Go Forth And Cook!

Food & Drink > Recipes > Spinach Ravioli with Italian Gravy

Spinach Ravioli with Italian Gravy

This is from a 1948 cookbook celebrating the centennial of Knight's Ferry, California. Very interesting place, they have a covered bridge there, quite unusual for that part of the country.

I was typing along, and all of a sudden the spinach ravioli recipe, which so far had called for canned spinach (I'd use frozen spinach), cracker crumbs, and parmesan cheese, all of a sudden it called for 3 sets of brains boiled until tender and 6 eggs, scrambled. Very ethnic, a little too much so for me.

And then the pasta dough was supposed to be kneaded for 30 minutes, which a food processor would shorten considerably. But why don't you go buy some nice ravioli at the store.

Here's the Italian Gravy that goes with. I know you know that many of us grew up calling this 'spaghetti sauce.'

2 pounds ground round steak
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 large onion, cut fine
1 quart tomato juice
1 can diluted tomato paste (I would dilute it with wine)
1 can tomato sauce
1/2 cup dry mushrooms
1 bay leaf
Season with rosemary, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper, and salt

Brown the meat and onion in the oil. Add the tomato products. Soak the mushrooms in a cup of water for 30 minutes and cut into small pieces. Add soaking water and mushrooms to the gravy. Cook 2 1/2 hours slowly.

There are so many things I would add different, like some garlic and the wine, but you're a good cook. I'm sure you've got your own ideas.

posted on Feb 18, 2011 10:04 PM ()


Sounds better than the clam sauce in your next post!
comment by solitaire on Feb 20, 2011 6:22 AM ()
Not a clam fan?
reply by kitchentales on Feb 20, 2011 12:43 PM ()
Mike made something different.He made wrap around lasagna.
Soak the noodle in hot water,filled it with ricotta cheese and then wrap it around.Put them in the pan and coated with tomato sauce.
It is diffent than regular baked lasagna.
I liked it and Mike had mixed feeling about this.
So said where is the receipe,said he toss it.
Just to give you an idea on this.You also can put in mild or hot sausage and removed it from the casing if you want to get more flavor.
This is all that I can remember.Anyway it was good for me.
comment by fredo on Feb 19, 2011 1:20 PM ()
Sounds really good, something different. Lasagna is such a great dish because so many ways to vary it.
reply by kitchentales on Feb 19, 2011 1:51 PM ()
Leita's Culinaria just posted a recipe using ravioli in a lasagna recipe, and it looked marvelous. Have you ever used ravioli that way?
comment by marta on Feb 19, 2011 6:53 AM ()
Oh mercy me! I had never thought of such a thing, and it sounds fantastic, what a great idea. Imagine the possibilities with the various fillings available in made up ravioli. Now I simply must go buy some and give this a try while I've got some mozzarella on hand for the layers. Thanks, Marta, you've made my day.
reply by kitchentales on Feb 19, 2011 1:54 PM ()
Ooops. Make that Leite's Culinaria....
reply by marta on Feb 19, 2011 6:55 AM ()
Mangia! nom nom
comment by jondude on Feb 19, 2011 5:41 AM ()
This sauce doesn't hold a candle to yours.
reply by kitchentales on Feb 19, 2011 1:55 PM ()

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