bought an exercise bike yesterday to get my legs in motion , tomorrow see the care nurse to get approval for the chiropractor who I hope can mend my back aches like she did last year .
My back really hurts when I bend over and upon standing I have to find a chair to sit on , its either sit or fall down , it hurts that much it takes my breath away and then I have breathing problems and have to use my inhaler , its a fair cow of a thing .
Still have 5 days that's already paid for at Blanchetown on the Murray river so that will be our first this spring sometime, saw the stoma nurse at hospital this morning and she has fixed the growth problem real good stoma as good as new, my joey pouch as I call it fits better .
Back to hospital again on Friday 9am for a breath test , having reflux problem , blood indigestion is giving me heaps , told I cant use quick ease tablets again till after test, nothing to eat after dinner Thursday night and only a sip od water in the morning.
With all my health problems sorted out look forward to travel again till autumn