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Julian's Mom

Life & Events > Temple Grandin, Beauty Queens and Too Much Sleep

Temple Grandin, Beauty Queens and Too Much Sleep

I’m not sure if this post will actually make it onto mybloggers tonight. For starters, my computer and Internet have joined forces in a conspiracy against me and have both been acting rather dink-ish as of late. Second of all, I should really be hauling my ass into a hot bath and washing meself. Mona is here, in all her raging glory (you should all consider yourselves very, very lucky that I haven’t blogged about the war my uterus has waged on me) and she makes me itchy as Hell, like I’m constantly filthy.

However, it’s been a while since I posted something. I meant to write over the weekend…shit…I meant to do a LOT of things over the weekend. I had big, BIG plans for this weekend past. I just didn’t realize how fucking exhausted I was until I laid my sorry ass on the couch in an attempt to watch Temple Grandin Friday night. So, no, there was no bad art made, no Christmas shopping completed and I didn’t manage to overhaul my bedroom like I had been planning. I did clean out the closet a bit, though, and finally stored away my Capri pants and summer shirts which was very, very depressing. I have, literally, three pairs of pants. And I did have dinner with my parents on Saturday night and managed to upload of new photos of the kids onto facebook. So, I guess that counts as accomplishing something.

But it’s not much, I know.

I slept like the dead on Friday night. I don’t think I even moved once in the night, waking only after eight and a half hours of solid sleep. Like I said, I didn’t realize how exhausted I was and just how much of a toll the previous three weeks had taken on me, what with the never-ending stream of appointments for Julian and two weekends in a row with the kids and a PA day and Olivia getting the flu and the bullshit storms from Troy, until I actually relaxed a bit. I needed the two days to re-group and recharge my batteries, so to speak.

The good news is that while I didn’t accomplish much of anything (oh, except I did realize why there were so many copies of Sex and the City Two at Blockbuster. That movie sucked some serious ass. It might have been better had they come up with an actual plot but I’m not a filmmaker, so what do I know?) I do feel miles and miles better. Saturday morning I woke up feeling better than I had in weeks. Ah, the power of a little bit of sleep.

Today, of course, was baptism by fire but I expected that. The kids are always a little “off” after a weekend with their Dad. Add to that the fact that Troy has this week off and is spending it in the bush with his Dad and some other male, hunting-happy friends and family and not with his children (in fact, his holidays mean that they will see him less than they would if he was working) and I’ve got a couple of grumps.

But that is not why I decided to log on instead of getting into the bath! Oh no! While the computer was re-starting and humming and whirring in a most disconcerting way, I decided to watch TV. Now, for the record, I don’t watch much television. Actually, almost none at all once you remove the Jersey Shore and Teen Mom (which are both finished for the season…Hey! Do you think that might have something to do with stressed out state lately? I haven’t been getting my reality show escape! I’ve had no escape at all!). But the book I picked up at Value Village this weekend, a trilogy called “The Christmas Box” is creeping me out a bit. I know…it’s not supposed to creepy! It’s a Christmas book! The cover said “heart-warming”! I’m a big fan…huge fan… of heart warming. And I could use a little warming, to tell you the Dog’s honest truth. But yeah, it’s slightly creepy and reading it alone at night gives me the willies. So, that’s how I ended up turning on the TV.

Now before I go any further, you should know that I don’t get good channels. I’m cheap. And poor. Not necessarily in that order. I have the most basic satellite available. No speciality channels except what comes in the basic package. This is also why I don’t watch much television. I’m not lying when I say nothing is on (oh, except I’m addicted to the Amazing Race. Anyone else out there an Amazing Race addict? I’m glad that kid and his Dad finally bit it. I was getting tired of watching the son’s lack of faith in his father…every episode, it seemed, he was complaining about how long it took his Dad to do something or sighing and saying he should have taken the challenge…but I digress).

Anyway! I am getting a free preview of some Twist channel. I checked it out, as I am a big fan of the free preview. They were playing some show called, “Little Miss Perfect” which was about those beauty pageants for little girls.

Now, I don’t like to judge. I try very hard not to judge others, actually. And I don’t like to judge other parents especially. Because parenting is hard and I get judged a LOT by people for the way I raise my children.

But, um, what’s up with those pageant moms?! Is it me? Or is this some kind of fucked up shit? Dressing their little girls up like that, with the hairspray and the makeup and the false smile and the little hip wiggle in front of a panel of judges in some crappy hotel banquet room that holds roughly three times as many chairs than needed…

Here I am, fighting tooth and nail to teach my girls to live by their own rules, to set their own standards, to be themselves and worrying about iCarly and pre-reading their pre-teen magazines and those Moms are instilling, as early as possible, that it is other people standards to worry about. That your best is never really quite good enough…that their daughters are never really good enough…that beauty is determined first by how you look on the outside and above all, is judged by someone else. * shudder * For what? A thousand dollar prize? Is that part of the lesson? Your beauty is worth a thousand dollars? YOU are worth a thousand dollars?!

One woman’s little girl lost (yes, I watched until the end. I know, I suck. But the computer was still warming up! And that book wasn’t getting any less creepy! There is music coming from a box in the attic, okay? In the book…not in real life. And get this… there is NO mechanism to play music! It’s not a music box! And this dude is dreaming of an angel and a baby died and this old woman has a brain tumour…Creepy. Really creepy. Okay, I have to end this bracket).

Right, so the Mom of the little girl who lost says to the camera, after pretty much ignoring her daughter after the loss and staring straight ahead, looking rather disgusted, “Now I have to go home and explain to my little girl why the judges didn’t think she was pretty enough.”

Um. You entered her into the competition, right? It’s not exactly mandatory. So, while I really don’t want to judge, I can’t help but wonder what exactly you thought you were doing when you entered her into a beauty pageant!

Okay. Enough of the rant. It’s the bad television…I’m not myself.

However, if there are any pageant moms out there or anyone who knows a pageant mom or if you’re a former beauty queen yourself…can you fill me in? Because I’m pretty sure I’m missing something.

Page three?! How did I get to page three?! I talk too much. I’m going to have a bath.

Good night, all.

posted on Nov 8, 2010 6:40 PM ()


- I had to read the' one woman's little lost' - paragraph a couple of times - at first, I thougt YOU had the musical box but, I got the text then - whooa, I realy did think you were brave just waiting for the computer to boot up
I don'tagree with puting kids into 'beauty pagaents' - heck, grown women can't handle defeat, let alone a child. I think that buying a bit of 'make-up' at birthdays or christmas to be like 'mummy' is fine (as long as 'mummy' gives them tisues to wipe it off with 'after') - (not all over mummys nice clean towels . . . . )
I have got 'Sky' t.v. - not that much on - I have seen most of the documentaries, Pillars of the earth, is my favourite show at the moment, that is on a Saturday evening. So once all my 'soaps' have finished, I am on the internet, sometmes (mostly) looking up historical things ( I can get quite engrossed)
I am like you, not 'cheap', but 'economic'. When I win the 'lottery', I will still shop and buy, the best value items I see - my motto is (well 'one' of them) as long as 'I' am happy with what i'vegot, sod the rest
comment by febreze on Nov 10, 2010 2:10 PM ()
I didn't word that very well. Sorry.

My middle daughter LOVES make up. Always has. This Christmas past all she wanted was "gum and make up". Same for her birthday six months later. I gave up fighting with her on it a long time ago and even let her wear some out of the house from time to time (she's obscenely good at putting it on), just a little lip gloss or whatever. Pick your battles, right?

What floored me about those pageants was just how few people were watching! All of that pressure on those kids! I'm surprised more of them don't faint.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 10, 2010 5:41 PM ()
Yeah. I am not a fan of ANY beauty pageants. The kiddie ones are pretty disgusting to me. Some of the kids if you don’t see their bodies you would think were much, much older than what they are. Just creeps me out that a parent is THAT into them.
comment by kjstone on Nov 10, 2010 10:28 AM ()
I'm glad it's not just me. I couldn't figure out how anyone could think it was a good idea...
reply by juliansmom on Nov 10, 2010 11:02 AM ()
ugs, the slaughterhouses. I hate to think of them - gives me nightmares for serious thinking about all those babies - but I am glad that her voice has been heard...
I always me some Aidan.... always.... yum....
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 9, 2010 9:40 PM ()
You might find the movie, Temple Grandin, hard to watch in that case.

Yes, Aidan...and he looks *good*.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 10, 2010 6:17 AM ()
I want to see Temple's movie... I have a bunch of her books because she is soooo good with animals and understanding them. I haven't seen Sex and the City 2 yet, but it's in my netflix queue. I have heard it sucks but I still need to watch it. I didn't really enjoy the first movie all that much either, just seemed fake compared to the show - which I know is fake as well - does that make sense at all? Anywho - hope you enjoyed your bath!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 9, 2010 11:02 AM ()
I heard number 2 sucked, too but also had to see it. I actually really enjoyed the first one...maybe because I missed the show so much after it went off the air. This one was terrible...but Aidan was in it and that cheered me up momentarily.

Temple Grandin, the movie, is definitely worth checking out. It spends a lot of time focusing on her involvement in animal science and her re-invention of the slaughterhouse, etc.
reply by juliansmom on Nov 9, 2010 5:07 PM ()
How did you like Temple? I thought it was a fabulous story of a girl
who overcame a lot. I am with you on the beauty pageants Adrienne is in
the seventh grade and you should see these little girls with streaked hair
and faux nails. I am so glad she doesn't want these embellishments. I
wonder what these parents are thinking. Call me old fashioned but shouldn't some of this stuff be saved for grown ups?
comment by elderjane on Nov 9, 2010 6:40 AM ()
I don't think it makes you old fashioned. We get to be children for such a short time, it's sad that some parents and their children want to shorten it further.

I feel silly for mentioning the movie Temple Grandin without actually blogging about it.I really enjoyed it. Laughed a few times. Only cried at the end when she tells the doctor that, "I think spinning is GREAT!" mostly because Julian is a spinner. I was already quite familiar with Miss Grandin's work and I was impressed with the way the movie told her life and gave enough facts about ASD...I gave it a .
reply by juliansmom on Nov 9, 2010 10:25 AM ()
I LOVE The Amazing Race!!!
I saw the Temple movie---excellent--she was at the Emmy awards and wowed the audience--she really is a magnificent woman!
(That must have been on page 4 )
comment by greatmartin on Nov 8, 2010 7:18 PM ()
Another Amazing Race fan! Yay!

After I posted this, I realized that while Temple Grandin was in the title of the post, I didn't actually talk about her or the movie.I was already really familiar with Miss Grandin's work and was watching the movie to see how it measured up. I think Claire Danes did an outstanding job and the movie itself was superb. I am wishin' and hopin' that Temple Grandin replaces "Rain Man".
reply by juliansmom on Nov 9, 2010 6:37 AM ()

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