The food police iz forcing restaurants to list eberything about each item - calories, fats content, etc. Next they will tell yew whut yew can eat and whut yew can't. They bedder not ban chikin!
The Gummint is going to force the tobacco compnies to put skary piktchurs on cigarette packs. They shud put on a piktchur of Michelle Bachmann. (Maybe Noot Gingritch?) MOL
Them folks up in the Dakotas are getting wet frum the Mizzouri Ribber. There is a nuke power plant shut down and anuther one being flooded. They never learn. Water seeks its own level. You can't do nuthin about the weather.
I liked whut the President sed about bringing home them troops and doing the "nation building" right here. Too long we have paid everyone elses' bills. Time to pay our own.