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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Life & Events > This and That

This and That

Going along with my recent post on The Living Language:

     1. Did you know that the word nice originally meant foolish?

     2. Did you know that when Rome conquered Great Britain 2,000 years ago, the English language did not exist?

     3. Did you know that 1000 years ago, less people spoke English than there are people speaking Cherokee today?


The Obama Administration is about to change the federal laws about growing marijuana for medicinal purposes.  There are fourteen states that allow and regulate the growing and harvesting of the weed for medicinal purposes. The new Federal laws will state that, in such states, growers, sellers and users of the herb cannot be prosecuted on a federal level.

Rush Limbaugh, of course, opposes this, and he has railed against it on his radio show. (I guess, as far as he is concerned, it is perfectly okay to illegally purchase and use Oxicontin, as he did for years, but to use marijuana to relieve the nausea and pain related to chemotherapy and radiation therapy is, well, just plain old WRONG!)


I get a kick out of the commercials on TV now sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that state that we, the taxpayers are going to have to pay a heavy monetary price for health care reform.  The tag line for these spots is, “Let’s do health care reform, but let’s do it right!”

First off, when I’m paying $75.00 a month for heart medication and a 20-minute colonoscopy costs over $3000, (more if there are complications), THAT’S a heavy monetary price!!! And, if there is a right way to reform health care costs, what is it?  AND if the U.S. Chamber of Commerce knew about a RIGHT way to reform the problem, why didn’t they tell us about it before now?????


Wanna see a good movie? Rent Frost and Nixon. It’s fascinating history.  The story gives a great deal of insight into Nixon, the man.  I actually felt sorry for the man when the movie was over. (Such a tormented, devious, paranoid confused soul!) Besides, I always love anything Opie directs!!!!


Wanna see a movie for which I had high expectations, but it ended up letting me down?  See The Soloist with Jamie Fox and Robert Downey, Jr. 

I usually love both of these actors, and, to be honest, they both do good work in this film.  But the film, even though it is based on a true story, never really captured my imagination.  Parts are slow and plodding, and it ended up boring me.


Why do some men have a hard time with men who have  great relationships with their wives? I was at a birthday party the other night and a friend of mine was talking to a bunch his male friends about his blog posts and my blog posts.  He told his audience that reading my posts was a waste of time because all I ever talk about is how “FREAKING WONDERFUL” my wife is. He made this statement as if there was something wrong or underhanded about how I feel about Mary Ellen.

I looked at him, and said, “You know Mary Ellen. Are you suggesting that she isn’t wonderful?”

He ignored the question.  (Maybe because Mary Ellen was sitting in the next room.)


Wanna try a great alcoholic drink? Try a Godfather.

At the above-mentioned birthday party, I had my first one. It’s 1 part 12-year-old , single malt scotch and 1 part Amaretto served in a pint glass over ice. Good, smooth stuff. One drink, though, and your lips will go numb.

posted on Oct 21, 2009 7:59 AM ()

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