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Politics & Legal > Me and Susil Talk

Me and Susil Talk

Susil "an admitted flaming Liberal" and I have been having a conversation. It started with her blog about Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal was a guest on Bill Maher's show tonight; it was a pleasure to see Gore Vidal.. I actually didn't know he was still alive. He is in his dotage now and was in a wheelchair, but he still has a full head of hair and his wit is still sharp as ever.

A self named iconoclast, when Maher asked Vidal "What do you think about Sarah Palin?" he replied "I don't think about her at all--and I don't think she does either."

Maher: "Hugh Hefner was a contemporary--what do you think about him?" Vidal: "Oh he's likeable. You can't avoid some people."

I enjoyed seeing and hearing the great man.


Susil is Blue--I am red

To this day I haven't figured out if I like him or not. Now Bill Maher, in my humble opinion, is a waste of DNA.

As a tree hugging flaming liberal, I like Maher --never miss his show.
You're the type who probably think Cheney and Bush were two lovely guys--yuck!

Well you are almost right. I did feel more secure under Bush than I do now. Obama has yet to show me he is a world leader.
Oh and I have hugged a tree or two in my time. Us NRA types are big on conservation. We love Bambi and Thumper-we just want to shoot and eat them.
As for Bill-I don’t mind a honest liberal, I am more liberal than you might think, I just think he is a fake only in it for the money.

grumpy grumpy grumpy, you are hopeless. You sound just like Rick Burgess, a radio host who wants to be Rush Limbaugh junior--he proclaims trees are only good if they're cut down, doesn't believe in evolution, makes fun of conservationist and environmentalist and firmly believes global warming was made up by Al Gore. Bet you're the same way. There's a word for someone like that.

Oh Susil, Susil, Susil. You know me not. First off about Mr. Vidal I said I didn’t know if I liked him-I should have continued with that I do admire his brain and talent he and Buckley were the perfect foils.
As for me being a conservationist, most people who hunt and fish are. We support conservation with the buying of licenses and the paying of fees and taxes. We have a vested interest in the good management of wildlife and the lands and lakes they live on and in.
As for cutting down all the trees, no not me. Where would I put my tree stand so I can shoot Bambi?
No I don’t believe Al Gore invented Global Warming, I also don’t believe his claim that he invented the Internet. I do believe he jumped on a band wagon so he could stay in the public eye and make a profit.
As for evolution, as you might know I am a Christian-but that does not stop me from believing that Gods creatures have evolved, I do believe that mankind has not taken full advantage of the process.

Why am I posting this--I guess to show that people with different views can converse.
Thank you Susil

posted on Apr 11, 2009 9:23 PM ()

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