Bobbie Jo


Bobbie Jo
Sioux Falls, SD


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The World According To Gem!

Life & Events > The Waiting Game ...

The Waiting Game ...

Okay, while I am sitting here waiting for babies to be born (And just heard that it is progressing very slowly and might still be another few days) **Sigh**
I figured I would jump on the 25 questions Bandwagon
(Stolen from AJ, Elfie and Deb)

1. What is your favorite food? Anything Chinese

2- Do you ever watch "Cash Cab"? I saw it once… does that count?

3- What do you think of Drew Carey as the new host of "The Price is Right?" He's just not Bob!

4- When it is really warm, do you ever walk around the house naked? With 4 kids? Ummm NO! (But… I would if I could!)

5- Are you a coffee drinker? Yes!!!

6- Do you like reality shows? I like American Idol and The Biggest Loser -

7- Enjoy being scared? Not especially

8- Of all the cities you have traveled to, what is your favorite? NYC!!!

9-Do you like to dance? With a passion!

10-Have a favorite genre of music? ALL!

11-Are you gay, straight or bisexual? I have to admit I really like men!

12-Do you have kids and if so, how old are they? 4 children – 19, 18, 13 and 5

13-Republican, Democrat of Independent? Democrat

14-Favorite movie of all time? Yentl

15-Do you think "Survivor" should be canceled by now and has jumped the shark? Don't watch it

16-Fiction or non-fiction? Both, but I read more fiction

17-Kathie Lee or Kelly Ripa? Kelly!

18-What is your favorite chain store? (examples: Target, Kohls, Best Buy, etc.) Barnes & Nobel! (Oh and Starbucks)

19-Obama or McCain? Obama!

20-Do you remember a game show called the Joker's Wild? Yep!

21-In your opinion, did you think Dinah Shore (if you remember her) was a closet lesbian? No…. Why? Does it matter?

22-Do you think Star Jones should be deported to another planet? LOL No

23-Are you a sexual person? I have my moments

24-Would you impeach George W. Bush? In a NY minute!

25-Do you gamble? Powerball count?


posted on July 1, 2008 11:10 AM ()


Maybe the babies are waiting for the fireworks.I really think Sharon should be at the hospital since she is having twins.My niece is born on the 4th of July.I hope you get to be there for the delivery.Can't wait for pictures.Sending love and prayers to Sharon,Tony and babies .Laurie
comment by dogsalot on July 3, 2008 8:33 PM ()
Lots of comments! Popular lady. Enjoyed your answers. A gal after my own heart. Too bad you're taken.
comment by solitaire on July 3, 2008 10:57 AM ()

#17 Uggggg.... Kathie Lee was on Celebrity Family Feud last night. She simply annoys the heck out of me. I am a very tolerant easy going gal, but something about her.... sheesh!
comment by shesaidwhat on July 2, 2008 8:15 AM ()
So, I guess they sent her back home? Hopefully soon! Maybe they will be born on the 4th of July!! I have enjoyed your reading your answers here. I will have to give this one a try. Can't wait for these babies to get here!!
comment by texastar on July 2, 2008 1:07 AM ()
Can't wait to see pictures of those babies!!
comment by redimpala on July 1, 2008 8:02 PM ()
A few more DAYS? In LABOR?! Please hurry along, sweet babies!
comment by marta on July 1, 2008 5:42 PM ()
Oh, goodness! I scrolled all the way down and thought I had missed it, but they sent Sharon HOME??? I hope she's back there -- in the hospital... that's where she should be! I'm sure things will be fine, but... she should be where she should be... in the hospital!

Great quiz answers! So, if I want to do this, I should go to Brian's site? When I get ready, I'll do that.
comment by sunlight on July 1, 2008 2:54 PM ()
I can't believe that the Dr. would send her home knowing that she is going to have twins..isn't that dangerous???
comment by elfie33 on July 1, 2008 1:03 PM ()
awesome answers! and poor Sharon!!! Sheeeeeesh!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 1, 2008 11:30 AM ()
We are all anxious for those babies to arrive. Blessings to all the family and praying for chubby little fat babies!!!! I like your #23 answer. I can relate to that.
comment by anniel on July 1, 2008 11:25 AM ()
Drew don't work for me either...
comment by ekyprogressive on July 1, 2008 11:23 AM ()
I love love love your answer to #21. I've gotten in trouble at work more than a few times for saying that.. I've been trying to read your brother and SIL's blog to find out if they had the girls she in the hospital???
comment by elfie33 on July 1, 2008 11:16 AM ()

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