I figured I would jump on the 25 questions Bandwagon
(Stolen from AJ, Elfie and Deb)

1. What is your favorite food? Anything Chinese
2- Do you ever watch "Cash Cab"? I saw it once… does that count?
3- What do you think of Drew Carey as the new host of "The Price is Right?" He's just not Bob!
4- When it is really warm, do you ever walk around the house naked? With 4 kids? Ummm NO! (But… I would if I could!)
5- Are you a coffee drinker? Yes!!!
6- Do you like reality shows? I like American Idol and The Biggest Loser -
7- Enjoy being scared? Not especially
8- Of all the cities you have traveled to, what is your favorite? NYC!!!
9-Do you like to dance? With a passion!
10-Have a favorite genre of music? ALL!
11-Are you gay, straight or bisexual? I have to admit I really like men!
12-Do you have kids and if so, how old are they? 4 children – 19, 18, 13 and 5
13-Republican, Democrat of Independent? Democrat
14-Favorite movie of all time? Yentl
15-Do you think "Survivor" should be canceled by now and has jumped the shark? Don't watch it
16-Fiction or non-fiction? Both, but I read more fiction
17-Kathie Lee or Kelly Ripa? Kelly!
18-What is your favorite chain store? (examples: Target, Kohls, Best Buy, etc.) Barnes & Nobel! (Oh and Starbucks)
19-Obama or McCain? Obama!
20-Do you remember a game show called the Joker's Wild? Yep!
21-In your opinion, did you think Dinah Shore (if you remember her) was a closet lesbian? No…. Why? Does it matter?
22-Do you think Star Jones should be deported to another planet? LOL No
23-Are you a sexual person? I have my moments
24-Would you impeach George W. Bush? In a NY minute!

25-Do you gamble? Powerball count?