The trip to Omaha was wonderful! I was able to sit beside Sharon with my hands on her tummy talking to the babies, feeling them move and listening to their heartbeats on the fetal monitor. Sadly they were not born while we were there.
We left Sunday afternoon knowing that the babies would be here within the next few days…
Sharon’s Doctor should have induced her Thursday of last week. How he could make her go through such a long labor is just beyond me! While we were there we would watch her bravely go through each contraction. Not once did she complain. The worry and anxiety was etched all over my brother’s face. When would the babies be born? And how long would Sharon suffer?
Yesterday morning at 10 am I got the call they were on the way to the hospital. Sharon was dilated to a 3 and they we going to give her pitocin to speed up the Labor. Hours later they would have to break her water as she was still only dilated to a 4.
As she was still not dilating (but the pain was getting worse) they proceeded to give her an epidural.
At 9pm Tony called to let us know she was finally dilated to a 10 and they were wheeling her to the OR. The next hour was torture sitting beside the phone waiting for the call that both babies had been born.
Bowen was born at approximately 9:37 PM. Kayleigh was born 19 minutes later. When they pulled Kayleigh out the Doctor immediately informed them that she had Down’s Syndrome, but was beautiful! Kayleigh took her time voicing her anger at being pulled from her warm home, but Tony said when she finally did she was ANGRY!

I was able to listen to Bowen cry on the phone last night and of course I cried with him. I have yet to hear Miss Kayleigh cry, but Tony said she gets so mad she turns beet red! LOL
I can’t wait to meet them!! How will I ever hold on till Friday when I drive back down?
Congratulations Tony & Sharon!!!
I Love you both so very much!!!