Even Buffy is very concern.
See the impression on his face.
He is worry.
First,all of you out there heard of the bad news.
Bush says do not worry,this will worked out.
So,in the meantime we lose most of our savings.
Now who is going to replaced this.
I am so fed up with the goverment.
Oil is fallen,this is not a good sign.
Yes,you will see some cuts at the gas station.
But,if they cut off supplies,who is going to win.
They will win.
The gas will be scarce.
The last time I looked at the stock market was -700
Was hoping that Wall Street will closed it doors.
We are hurting my friend.
How long do we have to wait.
By then the savings is wiped.
Sorry,about the bad new.
Tell me something that I don't know.