Not sure what the subject is today.
This was hanging around most of the day and
still have not come up with a thing to say.
There is a lot of things to do,finished raking,
house cleaning,but you have to be in a mood
to do this.
We all have different moods every day.
We get up in the morning and get ready for
what out there for us.
So,I decided to stay put.
Sit on the couch and do some reading.
I have been reading "The Three Miss Margarets.
Louise Shaffer.
Though this is not my type of reading.
While in Guatemala,Miguel loan me this book.
Flying home and once I started reading it
was "A romp of a Read.
This is a high level of suspense
Drop by this charming Southern town.
No doubt you'll be invited to join the three
Margarets on the veranda and sip sweetened tea,lemonade,or even Gentlemen Jack.
This I will promise you of a good read.
Miss Peggy,Dr.Maggie and Miss Li'l Bit,
friends and confidantes for nearly a life time,
find it funny bewildering that they have become
icon in Charles Valley.Georgia.
The author unfolds the story deftly.
Each of the three Miss Margarets is wonderfully
realized character;each has a closely guarded
secret life.
So,if you get bored with the Patterson novel and want something different,I recommend this
It is rich,funny.If you like Fanni Flagg take note
Shaffer has created a little piece of heaven.

Good day and have yourself a romp and a good
read.Enjoy the rest of the day.