I guess I want you to understand "me" more Fredo. I am honest "complete".., but often misunderstood. So what I say, listen to all.
I have said "often" I think it's gross for a guy to blow another guy. I have said often, if a gay person was "getting problems", I'd be the first to "flucck" over the dude causing problems.
My thing (if you look at it close).. I want freedom for ALL. That means freedom to say opinions.. opinions others may not agree with.
I couldn't imgine "sucking" a dink... gross. I can't imagine someone "not" allowing another person to be themself.
I can say.. I will "fight for equal" rights for "gays".. always.. I want them to have the same "legal" options, marriage. all that. But same also.. I think it's gross. And I will say that! I am a realist dude..
I personally like to wear lingerae.. Hey, I am the most honest on here. I probably get more "flack" from that then gays.. lol. I don't care.. people are people. I am not a fag, I don't have gender confusion, I don't want to be a woman. I do however "LOVE" a new pair of pantyhose I can wear.
Just a mild update on my thoughts... I'm nutty but honest