There he is.My Man.
Well things are quiet today,so I thought that I do a blog or so.
Noticed that this is in black and white and been doing a little reserach on this.
It will be four weeks and we are off to wonderful Guatemala.
Can hardly wait.
Need to get away and enjoyed the good life.
Mike is harvesting the carrots and brussel sprout.
What am I doing while he is working in the garden.
Just hanging around.
I mentioned that we were watching "Silence of the Lamb"yesterday.
Today at the flea market found "Red Dragon"This was my afternoon movie.
We watch a lot of movies here.
This week "Brothers and Sisters the second season will be out on Tuesday.
Along with "Criminal Minds"another one of my favorites.
WE just finished "Heroes"the second season.This was great.I loved it.
Now we have to wait next year for the third season.
The last day of Summer and it was a beauty.
Then we have the wonderful aroma of fall kicking in.
Fall is one of my favorite season.
With the Halloween,pumpkin,apple cider etc.
The color of the leaves.
We will be doing some leaf peppers soon.
Not to mentioned the smell of the burning of the wood in our fire place.
I loved Life,how about you?
There is no excuse in life,get out there and enjoy it.
No Whinny

Have a great evening.
Call someone to say that I
Love you.